May 7, 2022 Return
Is it true that the COVID-19 vaccine may harm pregnant mothers and their foetus?
The vaccines that are currently available in Malaysia can be used by pregnant mums. However, mRNA vaccines are preferred as these vaccines has the most safety data available to date. In a country like Malaysia, where these vaccines are available, pregnant women should be offered this vaccine.
Why should pregnant women receive the COVID-19 vaccine?
Pregnancy can increase a woman’s risk of developing severe COVID-19, needing assistance to breathe, and ICU admission. Her risk of dying is also higher.
If severe COVID-19 occurs, the baby is more likely to be stillborn or be born prematurely.
Vaccination will reduce the risk of these problems.
Do pregnant women at different stages of pregnancy respond to the COVID-19 vaccine differently?
Do pregnant women experience different typical side effects of a COVID-19 vaccine, compared to other people?
Also, no.
After receiving her COVID-19 vaccine, can a pregnant woman transmit any sort of immunity to her infants?
The baby does get some antibodies, but not in amounts high enough for the baby to be considered to consider protected from COVID-19.
It is, therefore, important for as many people as possible to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Doing so will strengthen the herd immunity effect, to increase protection against the disease to babies, young children, and groups of people that cannot receive the vaccination for medical reasons.
Does the COVID-19 vaccine cause any adverse effects to lactating mothers or infants who are being breast-fed?
Very little of the vaccine or antibodies will appear in breast milk.
Will the COVID-19 vaccine affect the reproductive ability of a woman either in the short-term or long-term?
No, it won’t.