Great Snacks for Working Off Post-Workout Blues
May 2, 2022 Return

That piece of cake looks tempting isn’t it? And, how about that plate of fries? You can hear those delicious foods calling out for you, can’t you?
The urge to indulge in anything and everything grows stronger when you are hungry, especially after an intense workout. So, why not replenish all that lost energy with some healthy snacks?
Go, go, granola!
If you’re looking for vitamins, minerals, and fibre in a yummy snack, very few can beat the granola bar. . It is filling, convenient, and delicious! Plus, they come in many flavours. So, take your pick! But be sure to choose one that contains 10-30g of protein and less than 20g of sugar.
Be ‘pro’ with yoghurt!
‘Pro’ for probiotics, that is! Ideal as a post-workout snack, yoghurt replenishes you with the essential vitamins, minerals and other goodness. Not only that, it can provide you with copious amounts of good bacteria to restore your body to good health! Plus, it keeps you full for longer too, so you don’t go snacking often. Just think of the extra weight that you may gain from unnecessary snacking! You can choose to add fresh berries for flavour. Berries are a great source for antioxidants.
Fish in the tuna
Or, you can choose to refuel with light tuna canned in water. It is low in calories, rich in protein, and a good source of omega-3 .You can take it with light crackers or wheat bread for more nutritional value. But be wary as it may contain traces of contaminants that can be harmful when consumed excessively. So, take this in moderation.
Go Bananas for the nutrients
Yes, a banana after a workout is good for you. It is widely known that bananas are rich in potassium and carbohydrates. These nutrients help the body replenish the body’s nutrients post-workout. Bananas are also fat-free, cholesterol-free and contains vitamins, antioxidants and fibre that are good for both our heart and mood.
Get fat with Avocado
The healthy fats,of course! Avocado contains a high amount of good fats called monounsaturated fats that can help lower the level of bad cholesterol in your body, given that you consume it in moderation. That aside, avocado is rich in potassium which helps boost energy keeping you recharged after a workout. Moreover, it is also good for your heart, skin and eyes in the long run.
Stay sweet with sweet potatoes
This naturally sweet orange vegetable is filling and a source of energy. It is packed with carbohydrates, fibre, potassium, vitamin C and manganese, and has a lower glycemic index than white potatoes. The verdict? Sweet potatoes can be a good choice to snack on when it comes to restoring your energy levels and replenishing the body with the right nutrients.
There they are, healthy snack ideas that you can try after a workout. If you are tempted to fill yourself up with junk food after a workout for convenience sake, just remember this quote: “You are what you eat, so don’t be fast, easy, cheap or fake”.
Post-work out tip:
Post-exercise foods are all about replenishing what’s lost from a great workout. Try to eat within 30 to 60 minutes after an exercise. Providing your body with the right nutrients is essential for body repairing and healing; so you can recover properly before the next workout!
Health. Available from
How Stuff Works. Available from
Live Science. Available from
Live Strong. Available from
United States Department of Agriculture. Available from
WebMD. Available from
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