Start By Doing Something Amazing
April 28, 2022 Return

From L-R: Dr Annathurai Ranganathan (Head of Corporate Social Responsibility Unit, Asian Football Confederation), Assoc. Prof Dr Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin (Nicotine Addiction Specialist, University of Malaya), YB Dato’ Seri Dr Hilmi Bin Haji Yahaya (Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health Malaysia), Assoc. Prof Dr Helmy Haja Mydin (Respiratory Physician, University of Malaya), Stuart Crabb (Country Director, Retail Group, Johnson & Johnson), and Mr S. Sivanasvaran (Head of Sports Science, Football Association Malaysia) at the official launch of “Do Something Amazing” campaign.
Let’s “Do Something Amazing”! The campaign, an initiative from Johnson & Johnson Malaysia to encourage smokers to quit smoking, was officially launched by Deputy Minister of Health Malaysia, YB Dato’ Seri Dr Hilmi Bin Haji Yahaya. In attendance were experts from University Malaya (Assoc Prof Dr Amer Siddiq and Assoc Prof Dr Helmy) and key personnel from prominent football associations (Dr Annathurai Ranganathan from Asian Football Confederation and Mr S. Sivanasvaran from Football Association Malaysia). Representing Johnson & Johnson Malaysia was Stuart Crabb, the Country Director, Retail Group.
During the discussion panel, it was acknowledged that quitting the smoking habit is not easy. “Smoking cessation is both psychologically and physiologically challenging,” said Assoc Prof Dr. Amer. According to him, nicotine addiction is a medical condition that requires the involvement of qualified healthcare professionals for quitting success. This requires goal-setting strategies and proper motivational techniques.
Dr Annathurai and Mr S. Sivanasvaran agreed, adding that such strategies can be helpful in educating young footballers about the dangers of smoking.
- It may take 8-11 attempts to quit successfully. (Global Adult Tobacco Survey, 2011)2
- 80% of smokers attempted to quit without assistance.3
- Withdrawal symptoms ( irritability, concentration difficulties, etc) can arise.2 They are greatest during the first few days; relapses are common during this period.4,5
- The first week of abstinence is an important determinant for long-term success.4,5
A Strong Commitment
‘Do Something Amazing’ is Johnson & Johnson’s effort, through its Nicorette brand, to provide smokers with the right support and encouragement to discuss quitting matters with a healthcare professional. Nicorette intends to work with the Ministry of Health to promote better smoking cessation counseling among healthcare professionals.
Stuart stresses that ‘Do Something Amazing’ is just the beginning. “We are dedicated to continuously discover and develop solutions for better health and life quality,” says Stuart.
Hence, Johnson & Johnson introduced the Nicorette® Invisi 25mg PatchTM in hopes of addressing this issue. A once-a-day solution, it delivers a controlled dose of nicotine for up to 16 hours to combat nicotine cravings and withdrawal effects.6 It reduces nicotine adverse mood withdrawal symptoms from week 1.4 Additionally, the Nicorette® Invisi 25mg PatchTM is found to be 44% more effective with higher continuous abstinence rates compared to the 15mg patch after 12 weeks.7
For more information on how to quit smoking, call Infoline at 03-8883 4400
1. University of Nevada, Smoke free and fit, goal setting and preparing to quit,htpp://, last accessed 14th May 2015 2., Nicotine Dependence, Relapse and quitting smoking,, last accessed 8th May 2015 3. Global Adult Tobacco Survey Malaysia 2011, last accessed 16th March 2015 4. Tønnesen P, et al. Higher dosage nicotine patches increase one-year smoking cessation rates: results from the European CEASE trial. Eur Resp J 1999; 13:238-246 5. Henningfield JE. Nicotine medications for smoking cessation. N Engl J Med 1995; 333:1196-1203. 6. Data on file. MHRA PAR; NICORETTE INVISI 10 MG, 15 MG AND 25 MG PATCH, PL 15513/0159-61, last accessed 16th March 2015 7. Data on file –CEASE 3 8. Infoline Berhenti Merokok,, last accessed 5th June 2015
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