Unboxing the Truth: A Dietitian’s Take on Ultra-Processed Foods


Consultant Dietitian and Coach
Founder of Georgen Cooking
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In recent years, ultra-processed foods have become a hot topic in the world of nutrition and health. With new studies linking these foods to increased risks of heart disease, diabetes, mental disorders, and even early death, many are left wondering: just how bad are these convenience foods for our health?

To shed light on this complex issue, we sat down with Georgen Thye, a registered dietitian, to unpack the truth about ultra-processed foods. He will offer us some valuable insights to help us make informed choices about our nutrition.


First off, Georgen, can you explain what exactly are ultra-processed foods?

Georgen Thye: Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are products mostly made from substances extracted from foods, such as fats, starches, added sugars, and hydrogenated fats.

  • These foods typically contain numerous additives like preservatives and flavour enhancers, and they have undergone multiple industrial processes.
  • UPFs often contain minimal to no whole food ingredients and are designed to be convenient, have a long shelf life, and taste good.
  • It’s worth noting that UPFs can trigger cravings due to their high sugar content and the way sugar interacts with the brain’s reward pathways, potentially encouraging overeating. In fact, UPFs make up a significant portion of many people’s daily calorie intake in today’s modern diet!

What makes UPFs so ‘ultra’? Can you explain the different levels of food processing?

Georgen Thye: Certainly. While there are various classification systems, we’ll use the NOVA system recognized by the World Health Organization. It breaks foods into four categories:

  1. Unprocessed or minimally processed foods. These are natural foods that have undergone minimal changes, like fresh fruits, vegetables, and milk.
  2. Processed culinary ingredients. These are substances derived from minimally processed foods, such as oils, butter, and salt, used in cooking.
  3. Processed foods. These have undergone some processing to enhance flavour and shelf-life, like canned vegetables, cheese, and freshly baked bread.
  4. Ultra-processed foods. These are heavily modified using industrial processes and often contain little to no whole food components. Examples include sugary snacks, soft drinks, and frozen ready-to-eat meals.

Let’s now address the crux of the issue: should we avoid consuming all ultra-processed foods?

Georgen Thye: It’s not quite fair to say all ultra-processed foods should be entirely avoided.

While many are high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and additives, some can still provide convenience and nutritional benefits in certain contexts.

The key is balance.

  • We should focus on limiting UPFs that are high in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and sodium—like sugary snacks, fast foods, and processed meats.
  • However, some UPFs, such as fortified cereals or plant-based milk alternatives, might still provide valuable nutrients.

It’s also important to differentiate between processed and ultra-processed foods. Processed foods like canned vegetables, canned fish, or whole grain bread often maintain their nutritional value and can play an important role in a healthy diet.


Are there any benefits to consuming ultra-processed foods?

Georgen Thye: Ultra-processed foods do offer some benefits, such as convenience, affordability, and a longer shelf life.

They’re quick to prepare, often budget-friendly, and can help reduce food waste.

Processing techniques like pasteurization can also improve food safety by reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses.

From a personal perspective, eating isn’t just about nourishment—it’s also about enjoyment. Sometimes, indulging in a favorite comfort food, which might be ultra-processed, can bring joy and emotional satisfaction.

The key is making informed choices and understanding how much and how often we consume these foods.

What would be your advice on how can we incorporate ultra-processed foods into our diet without negatively affecting our health?

Georgen Thye: It’s unrealistic to completely avoid ultra-processed foods in today’s world.

The key is to limit consumption and be mindful of portion sizes.

  • Prioritize whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, letting ultra-processed foods be a smaller part of your intake.
  • Learn to read nutrition labels and understand ingredients to help you make more informed choices. When possible, choose options with lower sugar, salt or sodium, and unhealthy fats.

Remember, eating is also about enjoyment. Having your favorite processed food occasionally is okay—just be mindful of how often and how much you consume. It’s all about finding the right balance for your individual needs and lifestyle.

Gut Health Revolution: How Probiotics Could Be a Key to Weight Loss



BSc Applied Chemistry UM
Student of Master Clinical Nutrition
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Senior Lecturer
Dietetic Programme
Centre for Healthy Ageing and Wellness (H-CARE)
Faculty of Health Sciences
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
  • Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are beneficial for your health, especially your digestive system. Often referred to as ‘good’ or ‘helpful’ bacteria, they help keep your gut healthy.
  • Probiotics are naturally found in your body, but they can also be ingested through certain foods and supplements.
  • Probiotic products contain selective, beneficial types of microbes to add to the populations already living in your body.
  • They are crucial in maintaining a balanced gut microbiota, the community of microorganisms living in the intestines. The human gut is home to trillions of bacteria, a complex ecosystem that plays a vital role in digesting food, synthesizing nutrients, and defending against pathogens. Probiotics contribute to this ecosystem by enhancing its function and restoring its natural balance when it has been disrupted.
  • Some studies suggest that certain probiotics may aid in weight loss by influencing metabolism and fat storage.
  • Many probiotics are oral supplements designed to be ingested into your gastrointestinal tract.
  • Others are topical products that you can apply to your skin or to the mucous membranes inside your body cavities, like your nose or genitals. These are all places where beneficial microbes commonly live.
  • You can also obtain probiotics from your natural food. Yes, tempeh, yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sourdough bread, and other usually fermented foods are probiotic-rich.

Variation in the composition of the gut microbiota results in health deterioration due to the mechanisms they employ to maintain appropriate homeostasis, including immune system modification, metabolic signaling, endocrine signaling, neuronal signaling, and epigenetics.

The condition is closely linked to various metabolic disorders, including elevated cholesterol levels, type 2 diabetes, heart and vascular diseases, and osteoporosis.

Consequently, addressing obesity through prevention and treatment is crucial, more so with the integration of innovative scientific approaches and technologies like artificial intelligence.

Probiotics, regarded by the WHO and FAO in 2002 as beneficial live microorganisms that confer health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts, are a testament to this.

They positively affect the host by establishing themselves within the human body and altering the microbial composition at specific sites. By modulating the mucosal and systemic immune functions or adjusting the intestinal microbiota balance, they facilitate nutrient absorption and intestinal health, offering health-promoting effects whether as single or mixed microorganisms with a defined composition.

The connection between gut health and obesity has become a focal point of modern medical research. Studies suggest that the composition of gut microbiota in obese individuals differs significantly from that of healthy individuals, indicating a potential link between gut microbes and obesity.

Probiotics interact with the host through pattern recognition receptors in intestinal cells, such as Toll-like receptors, and these can play multiple roles in the individual’s body.

The mechanisms of action of probiotics associated with obesity control may be modulation of endogenous microbiota functions that affect interaction with the host, competitive exclusion of pathogens, improved epithelial barrier function and other innate immune responses, modulation of fat absorption and excretion, reduced endotoxemia and inflammation, and modulation of numerous genes involved in hepatic lipogenesis or lipolysis in adipose tissue.

Gut Microbiota and Body Weight Regulation

Research shows that certain strains of gut bacteria are more prevalent in individuals who are obese compared to those who are not. These bacteria may influence weight by affecting the body’s metabolism, increasing energy extraction from food, and altering the way fat is stored in the body.

Probiotics and Weight Loss

Research indicates that specific probiotic strains could be effective for weight loss in obese individuals.

Some studies have found that introducing specific probiotic strains such as Hafnia alvei can help reduce body weight and body mass index (BMI) in obese individuals.

Probiotics may aid weight loss by improving the balance of the gut microbiota, reducing inflammation, and influencing hormones and proteins related to appetite and fat storage.

Prebiotics and Synergistic Effects

Prebiotics, non-digestible fibers that feed beneficial gut bacteria, can also play a role in managing obesity. When combined with probiotics, prebiotics can enhance the growth and activity of healthy gut bacteria, leading to improved gut health and potentially contributing to weight loss.

External Factors

Diet, drug intake, and lifestyle habits—smoking, alcohol intake, and disrupted sleeping habits—which can easily influence the bacterial communities in the gut.

Bacterial Metabolites from the Gut

These metabolites, such as SCFAs, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and tryptophan, have a substantial influence on the regulation of the gut-brain axis.

For example, even a short-term (5-days) consumption of diets composed entirely of animal or plant products alters the microbial community structure, affecting microbial gene expression among individuals.

Fermentable dietary fibre, prebiotics, and probiotic-based diets contribute to the proliferation of SCFA-producing bacteria, which might influence gut-brain communication and brain function directly or indirectly through immune, endocrine, vagal, and other humoral pathways.


Firstly, individual variability plays a significant role. The gut microbiota is highly personal and can be influenced by genetics, age, diet, lifestyle, and even antibiotic use.

This variability means that what works for one person may not work for another, making personalized nutrition and probiotic supplementation strategies necessary.

Furthermore, modern lifestyles and diets often work against the maintenance of a healthy gut microbiota. Processed foods, high sugar consumption, and the overuse of antibiotics can disrupt the delicate balance of gut bacteria, making it difficult to restore or maintain a healthy gut environment.

Additionally, stress and lack of sleep can also negatively affect gut health, adding another layer of complexity to managing gut microbiota.

Lastly, the current regulatory environment regarding probiotics and dietary supplements can be a challenge for consumers. The market is flooded with products claiming to support gut health, but not all of these products are effective or safe. The lack of stringent regulation and standardized testing protocols makes it challenging for individuals to make informed choices about the probiotics and prebiotics they choose to incorporate into their diets.


Beyond diet and supplementation, holistic approaches that encompass emotional well-being and physical activities play a crucial role in maintaining a balanced gut microbiota.

Healthy Food and Physical Activities

Use the Malaysian Healthy Plate as simple yet effective guide to help you balance your meals on a 10-inch plate.

Imagine dividing your plate into 4 parts.

  • One quarter is dedicated to carbohydrates like rice, noodles, bread, grains, or tubers, ensuring you have the energy to power through your day.
  • The next quarter is reserved for proteins such as fish, poultry, meat, or legumes, supporting muscle repair and growth.
  • The remaining half is where colourful vegetables and fruits come in, flooding your body with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Healthy Emotional Well-being
  • Practice activites that promote emotional well-being, such as mindfulness, meditation, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques.

Through a comprehensive approach that includes healthy eating, exercise, and stress reduction, individuals can support their gut microbiota’s balance, thereby enhancing their overall health and well-being.


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