Great News from the Man’s Cave!
April 28, 2022 Return

Mention “erectile dysfunction” (ED) and most men would blanch at the thought of it affecting them even for a second. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) may not be as familiar a term as ED, but this condition – in which a man’s prostate glands become enlarged – can cause complications, such as the frequent need to urinate – that can wreak havoc in a man’s efforts to be intimate with his partner.
Yet, many men will not admit that they have these problems if they can help it, several prominent and well-respected medical experts concurred during a very special “man cave” session at the PJ Live Arts Centre on 13 August, 2015.
The “man cave” was actually a stage decorated to resemble a den, representing a safe space in which a man feels confident and secure enough to bare his soul and confront his inner demons. Organized by Lilly Malaysia (Eli Lilly (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd), the “man’s cave” brought together Dr Teh Guan Chou (President of the Malaysian Urological Society and a Senior Consultant Urologist), and Dr George Lee (Clinical Associate Professor and Consultant Urological Surgeon). Joining them was Dr Prabhuram Krishnan, the Medical Director of Eli Lilly Malaysia.
ED is a common problem despite most men preferring to avoid addressing it. Dr Prabhuram pointed to a paper published in 2011 in the Malaysian Journal of Andrology, which stated that 20% of Malaysian men over 50 have ED, while the number doubles among men 40 to 60 years old. Worryingly, we are also seeing an increasing number of younger men with ED now!
ED does not just ruin a man’s effort to be intimate with his partner. Dr Lee pointed out that, among certain patients, ED has been linked to an increased risk of future health problems, including heart problems and strokes. “It can be scary if you don’t get it treated soon,” he said. Dr Teh always said that ED is a sign of a “broken heart”, and this can be true – literally!
Dr Teh, touching on BPH, mentioned that the prostate gland, for reasons yet to be determined, can become bigger with time. Due to its proximity to the bladder, its increased size can obstruct or constrict the bladder, slowing urine flow and increasing the time it takes to empty the bladder. Hence, a man with BPH needs to go to the toilet often. Up to about 60% of men aged 70 and above have BPH, Dr Teh claimed, and 80% of these men experience lower urinary tract symptoms such as the urge to urinate often.
All three speakers stress that seeing a doctor for ED and BPH is a far better course of action than turning to alternative remedies, which may not work and only prolong one’s misery.
The event closed with another excellent reason to see a doctor for ED and BPH woes: the launch of the new Cialis 5 mg Once Daily pill. Cialis is the only drug that is approved to treat both ED and the symptoms of BPH.
For men with ED, now they can take Cialis 5 mg Once Daily just once a day, and can engage in sexual activity any time of the day. Compared to the “on-demand” Cialis, which has to be taken before sexual activity can begin, the Once Daily pill offers spontaneity and convenience that would be welcomed by men who need this medication.
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