Nutrition Mealtime Strategies to Transform the Lives of People with Type 2 Diabetes byLim Teck Choon24/01/2024
Nutrition Can Parkinson’s Disease Be Prevented with the Mediterranean Diet? byLim Teck Choon14/12/2023
Nutrition Georgen Thye Explains the Differences between Various Milks in the Market byLim Teck Choon24/11/2023
Nutrition A Dietitian Exposes 3 Common Misconceptions about Detox Diets & Products byLim Teck Choon15/11/2023
Nutrition IMU Opens the First Free Student-Led Dietetics & Wellness Clinic in Malaysia byLim Teck Choon20/09/2023
Nutrition Here’s Why You Really Should NOT Extreme Diet & Severely Restrict Your Calories byLim Teck Choon05/07/2023
Nutrition Getting the Timing Right: Sleep and Meal Strategies for Weight Management byLim Teck Choon05/07/2023
Nutrition 5 Healthy To-Do Things for a Fulfilling & Rewarding Fasting This Ramadan byLim Teck Choon23/03/2023
Nutrition Advice for People With Health Conditions That Will Be Fasting This Ramadan byLim Teck Choon16/03/2023