
A Non-Surgical Fix for Uterine Fibroids and Adenomyosis? Get the Details

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Looking for a non-surgical way to treat uterine fibroids and adenomyosis? HIFU offers a cutting-edge alternative—but is it right for you? Here’s what you need to know about its pros and cons.


Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist and Reproductive Medicine Specialist
Mahkota Medical Centre

Adenomyosis and uterine fibroids are 2 common conditions of the womb.

Uterine Fibroids

  • Uterine fibroids are mostly non-cancerous or benign tumours formed from smooth muscles of the uterus.
  • Women with these fibroids sometimes show no symptoms, while others may experience painful or heavy periods, frequent urination, and pain in the pelvis, back, and/or legs.
For more information on uterine fibroids, join Dr Farah Leong Rahman and Dr Wong Yen Shi as they delve deeper into this topic.


  • Adenomyosis is still a poorly understood condition.
  • Tissues from the endometrial lining of the uterus grow into the inner layers of the uterus or to other parts of the reproductive organs such as the fallopian tubes.
  • This can cause prolonged, heavy, and painful periods as well as pelvic pain and pain during sexual intercourse.

Well, there is good news for those that suffer from these conditions: there is a non-invasive or non-surgical treatment option now available in Malaysia.


  • This treatment involves the use of a device called a transducer, which will focus high-intensity sound waves to heat up a targeted area of the body to a temperature ranging from 60°C to 80°C.
  • This will damage and kill off cells in that targeted area.
  • For people with uterine fibroids, this will lead to shrinkage of their fibroids.
  • For people with adenomyosis, this treatment will help shrink or remove areas of endometrial tissues (called adenomyotic lesions) that are responsible for their issue.

This procedure will be carried out by a gynaecologist, who typically uses ultrasound to pinpoint and target specific areas responsible for the patient’s problems.

This precision will allow the gynaecologist to minimize damage to tissues surrounding the affected area(s).


HIFU is a non-invasive treatment.

  • There is no need for anesthesia.
  • No long downtime.
  • No scars.
  • No potential side effects and complications typically associated with surgeries.

“HIFU will be able to provide a solution that mitigates the scarring, and the fertility impact patients may face in typical treatments for fibroid and adenomyosis removal,” says consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr S Selva.


This treatment allows a woman to obtain treatment while keeping her uterus and hence her childbearing options intact.

“Women that have undergone HIFU and wish to get pregnant do not have to wait for their uterus to heal completely before trying to conceive,” Dr Selva explains. “They can resume having sexual intercourse after completion of the next menstrual cycle.”

He adds that studies have shown that successful pregnancy, either natural or through assisted reproductive treatment, is possible within months after a HIFU treatment for fibroids.


  • According to Dr Selva, a HIFU treatment session can take up between 1 to 4 hours.
  • “In most cases, the treatment can be done in a single session,” he explains.
  • He adds: “However, women with multiple or large-sized fibroids may require several sessions.”
For another minimally-invasive treatment for ademyosis and fibroids, join Dr Alex Tang Ah Lak as he talks about uterine artery embolism (UAE).
This article is part of our series on women’s health.

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