
Haunted Sleep

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Haunted Sleep

May 1, 2022   Return

Words Lim Teck Choon 

Werewolf at night

Not everyone with OSA snores, but snoring is nonetheless a common symptom among people with this condition. At night, you may snore, gasp and snort like a werewolf. You may not hear these sounds, but your partner will.

Many partners of people with OSA report of how scared they are when the sleeping person with OSA frequently stops breathing for a period of time, before resuming their werewolf-like sleep throes.

Zombie by day

Even if you sleep for 10 hours a day, OSA will prevent you from reaching deep sleep. As a result, you will wake up in the morning feeling as if you have never slept at all! As days go by, you will become exhausted during the day. It will be harder to focus, your reactions will slow down, accidents may happen and you will feel grumpy and bad-tempered.

Not only will your daily routines suffer, your relationships may also become strained. Lack of libido and erectile dysfunction may develop, killing the magic in any loving relationship.

Do you know? People with OSA have a 600% increased risk of road accidents!

More trouble ahead

  • 30-40% higher risk of high blood pressure.
  • Up to 76% higher risk of heart diseases.
  • 30% higher risk of sudden death.
  • Increased risk of depression and anxiety due to the strain caused by OSA on relationships and workplace/school performance.

If you think you have OSA, don’t be a walking dead and suffer in silence. Consult a ear, nose & throat (ent) specialist instead.



  1. Project Health Sleep. Available at
  2. WebMD. Available at

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