Can’t Motivate Yourself To Exercise? It’s Time To Eat Like A … Mouse!

Can’t Motivate Yourself To Exercise? It’s Time To Eat Like A ... Mouse!

 April 25, 2022   Return


A research team in Japan found that mice exercise more on the wheel when their mealtimes are restricted to a certain amount of time each day.


According to Dr Yuji Tajiri from the Kurume University School of Medicine, these mice were given food for a limited time twice a day. Compared to mice which were given unlimited access to food, they ran on the wheel more as a result. 

This could be due to the fact that hunger would boost the production of the hormone ghrelin, which was found in higher levels in the mice that were given limited access to food. This hormone may be involved  in the increased motivation to exercise.

Of course, mice and humans aren’t one and the same, and Dr Yuji believes that more research is necessary to support this finding.

However, if you need to lose weight and/or need that motivation to be more physically active, why not keep your mealtimes within a reasonable amount of time so that you don’t overeat, and avoid eating outside of those mealtimes? This may boost your efforts to stay active. Give it a try! HT

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Reference: Mifune, H., et al. (2019). Voluntary exercise is motivated by ghrelin, possibly related to the central reward circuit. Journal of Endocrinology. Retrieved from

8 Supplements That May Be Helpful In Dealing With Pain Due To Nerve Damage

8 Supplements That May Be Helpful In Dealing With Pain Due To Nerve Damage

 April 25, 2022   Return


Nerve damage or neuropathy is frequently experienced by people with metabolic diseases such as diabetes. It can also occur among people who had undergone chemotherapy. Infections and injuries are also known to cause neuropathy.

Neuropathy can affect any part of the body, and people with this condition may experience pain, weakness, and numbness especially in the hands and feet.

Lifestyle modifications and medications can provide relief to people experiencing the symptoms of neuropathy, but some people may find supplements helpful in addition to these methods.

Here are 8 supplements that are often linked to neuropathy. They may be worth discussing further with a doctor or pharmacist.


Produced naturally in the liver and kidneys, this protein substance is said to be helpful in improving nerve function in people whose neuropathy is linked to diabetes.1

Studies on its benefits to people with neuropathy due to chemotherapy yielded mixed results, however.

Some found that it could help, while others found that it offered little to no additional benefit.


Vitamins B-1, B-6, folate (B-9), B-12, and others help to support our nerve function, and the ability of our brain to process information that comes in through our senses. Studies often found that inadequate consumption of these vitamins may increase the risk of nerve damage, hence the theory that consumption of these vitamins may help improve nerve function among those affected by neuropathy.

Research on these vitamins have been mixed, however, and more research is needed before we can conclusively determine whether B-complex vitamins can help and if yes, the recommended dosage that will be most helpful. People interested in exploring this option should discuss this matter further with a healthcare professional.


Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is said to be able to help reverse nerve damage caused by free radicals as well as to boost the effects of antioxidants in slowing or stopping nerve damage. How true is this?

Well, it has been suggested that daily supplementation with ALA can reduce the number of symptoms seen in people with diabetic neuropathy; higher dosages, however, tend to lead to more side effects such as nausea.2


Magnesium is often thought to be beneficial to people with neuropathy due to chemotherapy, but to date, studies have yielded only mixed results.



Just like magnesium, calcium is often said to be useful for people who experience nerve damage due to chemotherapy. We can’t conclusively say whether this is true or not, though, as to date, results from various studies have been mixed.


Glutamine has long been considered as useful for people who underwent chemotherapy and experienced neuropathy as one of the side effects. Just like with calcium and magnesium, studies so far on glutamine have failed to provide any conclusive evidence that this is indeed the case.


An antioxidant that is also produced naturally in the body, glutathione has been theorized to be able to help reduce symptoms of neuropathy. Research on this matter is still relatively few, and the studies conducted so far have given us only mixed results. We still can’t say for sure whether glutathione will benefit people with neuropathy.


N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) may help protect the nerves from inflammation and damage, so it may both reduce the risk of and treat neuropathy. Similar to the case of glutathione, the amount of research on NAC and its benefits to people with neuropathy is still relatively few. We may only get a conclusive “Yes, it helps!” or “No, it doesn’t!” response after more research has been conducted. HT

“To minimize risks of side effects and unintended interactions with your medications, always consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any supplement.”

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References: 1. Sergi, G., et al. (2018). Effects of acetyl-L-carnitine in diabetic neuropathy and other geriatric disorders. Aging Clin Exp Res.;30(2):133–138. 2. Ziegler, D., et al. (2006). Oral treatment with alpha-lipoic acid improves symptomatic diabetic polyneuropathy: the SYDNEY 2 trial. Diabetes Care;29(11):2365–2370.

I Have A Pine. I Have An Apple. I Have A Pineapple!

I Have A Pine. I Have An Apple. I Have A Pineapple!

March 13, 2020   Return


Pineapples (Ananas comosus) are as synonymous with the tropics as coconuts are. Thanks to our classic movies such as Hawaii Five-O and Fantasy Island, the fruit is always seen as a must have in tropical settings. It can be bewildering to think how our ancestors decided to eat the fruit. Similar to the durian, it has spines and ‘eyes’ which are hard to remove. Our older folk may remember being forced by their parents to manually peel and remove the eyes in a spiral cutting motion. Nowadays, we can get them pre-cut at lunch places and supermarkets. As well as being delicious, pineapples contain a long list of nutrients and enzymes which are healthy for us.


What is a pineapple?

Well, guess what? The pineapple, as you may already know, isn’t related to the pine nor the apple. It is actually a type of bromeliad. Bromeliads are plants with thick waxy leaves that spread out in a bowl-like fashion and catch rainwater at the centre. They produce beautiful flowers that last a long time. The pineapple first took the leap into worldwide fame when Christopher Columbus brought the plant to Spain when he returned from the New World in 1493.

Nutrition-wise, the fruit may not be ranked as a ‘superfood’ by today’s standards but the utility of pineapple lies in its enzymes. Take a look at what a typical 100-g portion of pineapple contains. (Table 1)

The main component that contributes to the sweetness of pineapples is sucrose while the main acid component is citric and ascorbic acids.2 The table does not list vitamins, of which pineapple has loads of. It has vitamin C (in the form of ascorbic acid), thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, cobalamin, vitamin A, folate, and trace amounts of vitamin E.1

Table 1: Nutrition Facts— fight off oxidative stress.”Pineapple, raw, all varieties.

Serving Size: 100 g
Water [g]
Energy [kcal]
Protein [g]
Total lipid (fat) [g]
Carbohydrate, by difference [g]
Fibre, total dietary [g]
Sugars, total [g]
Calcium, Ca [mg]
Iron, Fe [mg]
Magnesium, Mg [mg]
Phosphorus, P [mg]
Potassium, K [mg]
Sodium, Na [mg]



Pineapples contain a lot of flavonoids, which help the body fight off oxidative stress. Vitamin C, another potent antioxidant and immune booster, is helpful in reducing the duration of illness by stimulating the immune system.3


Bromelain, a protein dissolving enzyme, is found mostly at the centre of the pineapple fruit. It is the same enzyme responsible for the itchy tongue and lips some people face when eating pineapples. The enzymes attack the skin in our tongue, cheek and lips thus causing it to hurt. Some sensitive folk may even develop ulcers. There’s really no way to avoid the enzymes if you want to eat fresh pineapple. Preserved pineapples, on the other hand, won’t have that effect as it has to be heated before being canned. The heating process destroys all the enzymes. Some people suggest soaking the pineapple in salt water to reduce the itchy effect. It is doubtful that salt does anything to the enzyme; instead, it is probably the water dissolving the enzymes and flushing it away. But don’t forget, you’re also flushing the water-soluble nutrients away.

Are you allergic to pineapple?

One thing to watch out for is genuine pineapple allergy. Some may mistake the pain and itching from pineapple as a reaction to the bromelain when in effect it could be allergy to the fruit.

Allergic reactions are usually more severe compared to normal reactions. You may have swelling or other symptoms such as sneezing or difficulty in breathing. If that happens, drop the pineapple and head to your nearest clinic.

Due to the bromelain and other enzymes, pineapples are a great aid for digestion. Many digestive enzyme tablets contain bromelain as one of the key components to help in reducing discomfort and bloating after meals.


Some pineapples may be fibrous if left to ripen for too long. Organic and vegan consumers are also resorting to fabric made from pineapple fibre. The source of the fibre comes from the entire plant, from the crown, leaf, stem, and even the fruit itself.4

Every 100 g of pineapple contains about 1.4 g of dietary fibre. This is by no means a large amount of fibre, so any improvement in bowel habit is due to the enzymes and juices of the fruit. The combined action of digestive enzymes and fibre in pineapple helps food to be properly digested as it travels through the gut.

Can I plant my own pineapples?

Unless you have a lot of space and patience, planting your own pineapple may be an exercise in futility. For one, it takes anywhere from 9 months to 2 years to mature, and only then will it flower and fruit.5 From the flower, a single fruit forms and this fruit takes about 6 months to grow to maturity. As the fruit juts out, birds, squirrels and bats will be eyeing it even before it fully ripens.

One good thing about the pineapple is that it is extremely hardy and even novice gardeners can’t really kill it. Belonging to the bromeliad family, the pineapple can absorb water through its leaves. It can also survive in a small pot as the root system is small and weak (because the leaves do a good job in sucking up water and preventing water loss). They do well with foliar fertilizers. One thing to watch out for when it comes to plants in the bromeliad group is their tendency to store water at the centre of the plant during the raining season. If you have only a few plants, then it may be worth checking them out periodically and pouring any excess water stored at its centre to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

Pineapples are particularly choosy about the soil they grow in. In certain soils, they choose to grow leaves instead of flowers even when mature.In such an instance, you will need to induce flowering by chemical or physical means. Even then, it isn’t a foolproof method.

Pineapples, like bananas, only fruit once. Baby plantlets grow from the base of the plant and a new plant can be grown from the crown of each pineapple fruit. The local pineapple market is familiar with three main cultivars: Smooth Cayenne, Queen and Red Spanish. All local varieties are derived from these cultivars. The all-time favourite known as Nanas Sarawak is derived from the Red Spanish group. Nanas Sarawak can tip the scale at 2 to 4 kg for each fruit.

Most consumers are familiar with the Josephine variety, which is the result of a cross between the Nanas Johor and Nanas Sarawak. Nanas Maspine is derived from the Red Spanish cultivar and is about 1.8 kg when ripe.

The newer varieties such as the MD-2 are super sweet. However, a word of caution on all these super sweet new varieties—they aren’t exactly good for health. Already zoo animals are suffering from our continued obsession with breeding sweeter fruits and vegetables.6 If they are too sweet for animals who are active all day long, I’m guessing they are probably too sweet for us ie, mostly sedentary humans.

Just remember to ration our fruit intake and perhaps choose a variety which is less sweet but has higher fibre content. For the super sweet varieties, it is best to limit the intake for each sitting. Keep in mind that one serving size is 2 slices, 3” diameter, ¾” thick, and weighs 112 g.7 Most of all, don’t forget to appreciate our pineapple farmers! It’s hard work to grow pineapples. HT

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References: 1. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Pineapple, raw, all varieties. Retrieved from Lu, X.H., et al. (2014). Physico-chemicalproperties, antioxidant activity and mineral
contents of pineapple genotypes grown in China. Molecules.;19(6):8518–8532. 3. Nagy, S. (1980). Vitamin C contents of citrus fruit and their products: a review. J Agric Food Chem.;28(1):8–18. 4. SFGate. The Dietary Fiber in Raw Pineapple. Retrieved from 5. SFGate. What Is theLife Cycle of a Pineapple Plant? Retrievedfrom 6.The Sydney Morning Herald. Zoo won’t panda to taste, says fruit’s too sweet for its monkey menu.Retrieved from 7. U.S. FDA. Fruits: NutritionFacts. Retrieved from