May 8, 2022   Return


Nothing wrecks a diet as effectively as a meal at a fast food joint. A burger, a drink, and some fries may seem like a simple meal, but the calorie within the burger patty alone is considerable. Load up on sauce, mayo, cheese, extra patties and throw in the fries, and you’ll have a meal that will send your calorie consumption count into overload!

Not every trip to the fast food joint has to be a completely sinful indulgence, though. Stick to this simple plan.

Choose grilled items

These have fewer calories and less fat when compared to their breaded counterparts.

The smaller, the better

Pick the smallest portions – go small whenever possible. Avoid burgers with double or triple patties, as these would overload your calorie consumption count.

Pick the less sugary drink

When given the option, choose a drink that is low or free from sugar, such as mineral water or sugar-free soft drinks.

Skip the fries

If the option were available, switch out the fries with salad, corn, and other healthier options. Alternatively, order items separately instead of getting a meal set—you can skip the fries and the soft drink, and save a bit of money as well.

Watch the sauces!

Mayo, ketchup and chili sauce can cause the calorie count of your meal to bloat up by quite a bit. When it comes to these condiments, ask for less or skip them altogether. HT

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May 8, 2022   Return


In New Zealand, the green-lipped mussel (scientifically named Perna canaliculus) has been regularly eaten by indigenous Maori people for centuries. 

According to local history, people from Maori tribes living by the country’s coast had often told their European neighbours that the mussels helped them stay in good health. 

Curious, medical researchers took a closer look. They noticed that there were far fewer cases of arthritis among coastal Maori people compared to those living inland or people from European backgrounds.

Mussels and arthritis

Coincidentally, in the 1960s, US scientists had been on a mission to find new anti-cancer drugs by looking among marine animals. When they came across the New Zealand green-lipped mussel, they didn’t find what they were looking for, but they did instead find out that the mussel seemed to help reduce inflammation. This sparked an interest in testing out what this clan of clams could do for inflammation-related health problems.

Since then, multiple small-scale studies in people have found some evidence that adding green-lipped mussels to one’s regular diet can help relieve pains from mild-to-moderate osteoarthritis, as well as rheumatoid arthritis.

While it’s hard to pinpoint the components of the mussels responsible for soothing inflamed joints, some possible candidates include:

• Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are popularly known for their heart health benefits, but they’ve also shown some anti-inflammatory effects.

• Furan fatty acids (F-acids). Also a fish oil component, F-acids have shown some potent antioxidant abilities.

However, before you start binging on mussels thinking they’ll get rid of your joint aches, keep in mind that trial results have been mixed; some of them showed little or no effect. Part of the problem was that the amount and type of mussel preparation in the various studies—whether fresh or freeze-dried, whole mussel or extract thereof—varied a lot, making it difficult to say just how much mussels and how often they should be taken to make an impact.

References: 1. Mayo Clinic. (n.d) Arthritis: symptoms & causes. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/arthritis/symptoms-causes/syc-20350772 2. Wane, J. (2017, May 3). Mussel power: how the green-lipped mussel became NZ’s first ‘superfood’. Noted. https://www.noted.co.nz/health/health-nutrition/mussel-power-how-the-green-lipped-mussel-became-nzs-first-superfood 3. Ulbricht, C., et al. (2009). An evidence-based systematic review of green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration. J Diet Suppl.;6(1):54-90. 4. Calder, P.C. (2010). Omega-3 fatty acids and inflammatory processes. Nutrients;2(3):355-374. 5. Wakimoto, T., et al. (2011). Furan fatty acid as an anti-inflammatory component from the green-lipped mussel Perna canaliculus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.;108(42):17533–17537. 6. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (n.d). Cultured aquatic species information programme: Perna canaliculus. http://www.fao.org/fishery/culturedspecies/Perna_canaliculus/en



May 8, 2022   Return


In light of the data presented in the 2019 National Health & Morbidity Survey (NHMS, see page 10), we catch up with Dr Tee E Siong, President of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, for his views on the matter.


Dr Tee, what are your thoughts on the NHMS 2019 data on non-communicable diseases((NCDs)? 

I am not exactly surprised by the findings in NHMS 2019. The data on NCDs have been high over the past 3 decades. This report has showed us clearly that the problem of NCDs remain high levels in the country. 

Undernutrition problems

I guess what disappoints me most is the very high prevalence of undernutrition problems (stunting and anaemia). 

Stunting among children under 5 years was reported to be about 18% in 2006-2015. Now it has risen to almost 22%. 

Anaemia, caused mostly by lack of iron in the diet, was reported to be 30% among women of reproductive age, higher than the 23% reported in 2015. 

With better health facilities, better socio-economic conditions, these undernutrition problems should be slowly reduced to very low levels. Such findings of high prevalence of undernutrition are disappointing. 

Lack of awareness of one’s health conditions

I am also rather disappointed that the proportion of the population not knowing that they have high blood cholesterol and hypertension remains high. Health care professionals have been raising the awareness of importance of having regular health checks. But the levels remain high! That should be telling us that we need to do more in this aspect. 

Good news from the fndings

There is some optimism in the findings. The prevalence of overweight/obesity problem appears to have risen only slightly compared the data in 2015. Proportion of the population with high blood cholesterol and hypertension is either dipping or more or less stable.


Why do you think NCDs continue to remain prevalent to such a degree in Malaysia? 

There are obviously various reasons for this disappointing scenario. One main reason I feel is the lack of coordinated and collaborative intervention programmes implemented by all stakeholders. 

Firstly is the lack of coordination among various government ministries. Malnutrition problems is not merely the responsibility of Ministry of Health, but should include several relevant ministries, such as education, agriculture, women, and social welfare. 

In addition, there is lack of systematic collaboration with other stakeholders including academia, professional bodies and the private sector. 

A strategic alliance of these stakeholders will be able to garner the available expertise and resources. We need systematic intervention programmes to reach out to all the corners of the country, all the time. We need to focus on the younger generation, especially toddlers and school children, as investing in prevention of malnutrition in these groups is the only way towards healthier generations of future Malaysians. 


How can other stakeholders, in your opinion, work together with nutritionists towards this goal?

Many nutrition-related programmes by other government ministries are needed in order to positively improve nutrition outcome of the population. 

Strategies and programmes from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries play key roles in ensuring food and nutrition security. Affordable, safe and nutritious foods must reach the community to enable healthy eating messages to be practiced by the people. 

The Ministry of Education hold the key in enabling school children to be exposed to nutrition education and healthy nutrition practices. 

The Ministry of Housing and Local Government can enable better and safe facilities for living and exercise for the population. 


In your opinion, how can nutritionists step up to further encourage Malaysians to live a healthier lifestyle? 

For the successful implementation of nutrition intervention programmes throughout the country, it is imperative that we have adequate number of trained nutritionists. They must be constantly available to the grassroot, to help the population to empower themselves to prevent against malnutrition problems. 

Regulations for the Allied Health Professions (AHP) Act have been gazetted and will come into force from July 2020. With this development, nutritionists should be even more motivated to step up their role to be in the forefront of public health nutrition in the country. I would urge them to champion nutrition, spread healthy nutrition throughout the country. We need to empower all the rakyat.


What is your advice to an individual who wish to get started on the track to healthy eating and staying active? 

There are many nutrition resources on the web. I would urge the public to be more discerning in selecting which resources to follow and which information to adopt. 

The public should rely on reliable professional sites such as the Ministry of Health and the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) for nutrition information. NSM’s own website (www.nutriweb.org.my) has a variety of information, addressing various issues in nutrition. 

Even with the availability of the best nutrition information, it is extremely important for the individual to be consistent in practicing the nutrition advice, be disciplined with oneself. This will then enable the such information to be translated into behavioural change and put into practice in order to bring about beneficial health outcomes. 


Does NSM have any programmes or events that the public can look forward to? 

We certainly do! NSM is now 35 years old. We have had several programmes to promote healthy eating and active living among the public over the years. 

One regular programme is the large scale nationwide community nutrition promotion programme called Nutrition Month Malaysia which is initiated in April every year. In line with the way of working under the current pandemic conditions, NMM has increased its online educational materials. Do drop by our website and look up our social media postings for a variety of healthy eating tips. 

A new initiative of NSM is the launch of NSM Nutrition Roadshows 2.0 earlier this year. This is to enable us to reach out to many more Malaysians, to share about healthy eating and active living utilizing social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram. We have a variety of activities, including healthy nutrition postings, healthy cooking tips with recipes and cooking videos, quizzes. Visitors to our Facebook will also be able to listen to interviews with nutritionists who will address a variety of current nutrition topics.




May 8, 2022   Return



With the enforcement of Movement Control Order (MCO) during the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have been living by ourselves, away from families and relatives for months and even a year.

During this period, many people especially college students who are living away from homes have developed unhealthy eating behaviors among them. Usually for those who live alone, their diets are high in sugar, salt, preservatives and fats. The existence of food deliveries makes it easier than ever to obtain unhealthy foods.

Many also tend to feel greater amounts of emotional stress due to lifestyle changes imposed by the MCO, which can further propagate unhealthy eating habits.

Given the prolonged nature of the MCO, such unhealthy eating habits may increase one’s risk of health complications such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and weakened immune system.




The concept of quarter-quarter-half or “’suku-suku-separah’ is a simple way to visualize the proper portions of food on a plate.

A quarter of the plate is for carbohydrates (rice, fried mee, etc), while another quarter for protein (poultry, fish, legumes, etc). The remaining half of the plate should be filled with vegetables and fruits.

Follow this simple principle to ensure that every meal contains all necessary nutrients, regardless of whether the meal is cooked at home or bought from the outside.




It can be hard to decide what to eat at the spur of the moment when one is demotivated or stressed. Hence, preparing a weekly meal plan in advance allows for proper coordination of meals even when one is feeling the blues.

Once a weekly meal plan is done up, it is a simple matter of preparing a list of necessary ingredients for that week and purchasing what is needed in a single shopping trip.  

Need ideas for a meal plan? Look up ideas and recipes from the Internet or YouTube. Remember, each meal doesn’t have to be fancy or sophisticated—just keep it simple, delicious, and healthy.




Cooking in bulk can be a huge time- and energy-saver for those occupied with work or studies, especially when working or studying from home sometimes sees one stuck at the desk far longer than a usual work or study day!

For example, try cooking a few days’ worth of food and allocate the food into meals throughout next few days. Cooked dishes can be stored in containers and placed in the freezer until needed.

This reduces future meal preparations into a simple matter of taking some time to thaw and heat up the food. Saves time, saves electricity!



Keep an eye out on leftovers. Some of them can be saved up for later uses such as to make delicious stews, stir-fries, or salads.

Pramila Mani Maran is a Student of Master’s Clinical Nutrition at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and Dr Nurul Huda Razalli is a Dietetics Lecturer in the same university.


  1. Bjarnadottir, A. (2017). 19 clever ways to eat healthy on a tight budget. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/19-ways-to-eat-healthy-on-a-budget
  2. Brug, J. (2008). Determinants of healthy eating: motivation, abilities and environmental opportunities. Family practice, 25 Suppl 1, i50–i55. https://doi.org/10.1093/fampra/cmn063
  3. Chae, W., Ju, Y. J., Shin, J., Jang, S. I., & Park, E. C. (2018). Association between eating behaviour and diet quality: eating alone vs. eating with others. Nutrition journal, 17(1), 117. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12937-018-0424-0
  4. Elmacıoğlu, F., Emiroğlu, E., Ülker, M. T., Özyılmaz Kırcali, B., & Oruç, S. (2021). Evaluation of nutritional behaviour related to COVID-19. Public health nutrition, 24(3), 512–518. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980020004140



May 8, 2022   Return



When you hear the word “protein”, what is the first thing that crosses your mind? Most people would associate protein with foods like chicken, beef or fish and how it functions to build our muscles. But protein is so much more than that. Protein is the building blocks of life! In fact, protein is the second most abundant compound in the body after water. It is a type of macronutrient that is essential at every stage of life and serves many important roles in our body. 


Interestingly, despite the important roles that protein play, the Herbalife Nutrition Asia Pacific Nutrition Myths Survey 2020, indicated that up to 37% of Malaysians believe that our body requires less protein as we grow older. This shows that many still have mixed misconceptions about protein. This article aims to shed light on protein, especially concerning soya, which is also a substantial source of protein in our diet.





Not all soya products are made from GMOs. Various non-GMO tofu, tempe, and soya milk are widely available in the market. And even if the product has GMO-origin, there is currently no clear evidence that eating GMO soya beans or products would have any adverse health effects.



This saying came from the belief that isoflavones (plant oestrogens) found in soy can increase the risk of cancer.  Studies have shown that soya isoflavones, regardless of the source, do not exert any harmful effect on breast tissues. On the contrary, high intake of soya may actually decrease the risk of breast cancer. A prospective study on 300,000 Chinese women and meta-analysis of dose-response showed that a higher soya intake may in fact provide considerable benefits for the prevention of breast cancer.



Various studies and comprehensive reviews have actually showed that neither soya foods nor isoflavones have any adverse effect on thyroid function in men or women with normal thyroid gland function. Plus, European Food Safety Authority has also concluded that isoflavones do not adversely affect the breast, thyroid or uterus functions of postmenopausal women.



Extensive reviews have indicated that consumption of soya proteins or isoflavones has shown no effect on male reproductive hormone levels in the body.

Overeating at Festivals

Overeating at Festivals

May 8, 2022   Return


I have high cholesterol levels, and I tend to eat a lot especially during the festive season. With the Raya celebrations around the corner, is there any way for me to limit my food intake?


According to the National Health Morbidity Survey (NHMS) findings released in 2015, the prevalence of high cholesterol levels is very high – almost 48% of Malaysian adults have high cholesterol levels. The prevalence has been increasing over the past decade. 

When you eat too much fatty foods, the cholesterol in these foods is absorbed into your bloodstream. When the cholesterol levels in the bloodstream become excessive, cholesterol starts accumulating on your blood vessels walls if nothing is done. 

If you eat too much of high-fat foods like fried foods but you still exercise, your body will burn the excessive fats. So, set aside more time to exercise a few hours after a heavy meal. 

Also, bring your friends along when you go out so you all can share the food. This way, you’re more likely to eat in moderation. Don’t eat like there’s no tomorrow! 

It is not necessary to leave out the foods that you love. Instead, discipline yourself to eat moderate portions and exercise regularly. That way, you can keep your cholesterol levels under control.

 Nurul Iliani Ahmad   Senior Nutritionist

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Favourite dish during Ramadan

Favourite dish during Ramadan

May 8, 2022   Return


It is the holy fasting month of Ramadan, the month that embraces the purity of thought, action and speech. Besides that, the lively and colourful bazaar Ramadan selling all the mouth-watering delights is also one of the highlights of the fasting month! One of my personal favourites at a bazaar Ramadan is “drum roll …” Bubur LambukBubur Lambuk is a rice porridge dish or congee that is cooked with a mixture of different spices, making it exceptionally fragrant and yummy.

I can still recall my first time trying Bubur Lambuk, I was still working at a hospital then. The hospital’s mosque will usually give out Bubur Lambuk to visitors and staff for free during every fasting month. I instantly fell in love with it after the first spoonful. I call it “Love at First Bite”!

In this issue, Georgen Cooking will be sharing with you Bubur Lambuk recipe with a healthy twist! Don’t forget to check out Georgen Cooking’s Youtube channel for the recipe video too.


Bubur Lambuk

Serves: 3 persons                                                                

Duration: 45 minutes






Red Rice1.5 cupsWashed, soaked for 1 hour and drained
Carrots2 medium sizedCubed
Lean Minced Beef150 g 
Dried Shrimp2 tbspWashed and chopped
Vegetable Oil2 tbsp 
Onion1 mediumChopped
Garlic2 clovesMinced
Ginger1 inchJulienned
Pandan Leaves2 leavesTied into a knot
Trim Coconut Milk50 ml 
Water800 ml 


Spices (dry roast and finely ground)

Cinnamon Stick

1 inch

Star Anise

1 piece


2 pieces


3 pieces

White Pepper

1 tsp

Coriander Powder

1 tsp

Cumin Powder

1 tsp



Chinese Salary (Daun Sup)

Sliced Chilli

Fried Shallots




Heat up oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat, sauté onion, garlic and ginger until fragrant for about 2 minutes.


Then, add all the spices and sauté for another 2 minutes.


After that, add dried shrimp and minced beef and continue cooking for 2 minutes before tossing in the carrot.


Continue to stir fry for 1 minute and then transfer the mixture into a rice cooker. 


Add water, pandan leaves and then turn on the rice cooker.


A normal rice cooker will take approximately 40 minutes to cook porridge. Stir in coconut milk before the last 3 minutes. You can continue cooking for a longer time if you prefer a thicker consistency. 



Once it’s done, garnish with sliced chilli, fried shallots and Chinese celery and it’s ready to serve. Enjoy! 


Nutritional Information (1 Serving)

Energy (Kcal)


Protein (g)


Fat (g)


Carbohydrate (g)


Fibre (g)



Healthy Twist:

  1. Using red rice (a whole grain) instead of white rice gives you 3-4 times more fibre and more nutrients and antioxidants too!
  2. Using trim coconut milk reduces the saturated fats (bad fats that increase the bad cholesterol in the body) and calories too.
  3. Adding pandan leaves gives more fragrance so you can reduce the amount of coconut milk in the recipe. (The original recipe calls for 100 ml of coconut milk.)
  4. Adding carrots helps provide vegetables serving and bumps up the fibre and antioxidants of the porridge too.
  5. Extra salt is not needed as we already have some saltiness from the dried shrimps and adequate flavour from all the different spices.
  6. Using lean minced beef helps cut back the saturated fats. You can consider replacing the beef with minced chicken (with the skin removed) too! HT 

My heartiest wishes to all Muslim friends: Selamat Berpuasa and Blessed Ramadhan!

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It Is Really Good, I Fig You Not

It Is Really Good, I Fig You Not

May 8, 2022   Return



How It Started

Figs are a general term for over 850 species of woody plants.They are rather variable, with some being climbers and others growing into full-sized trees. The fruit we commonly eat comes from cultivar (strains) of the species known as Ficus carica or the common fig. The common fig is believed to have originated in the Middle East and western Asia. It was spread into the Mediterranean region by Greeks and Romans. Today, widespread human travel has brought the fig to every possible country.

Fig is possibly one of the oldest plants to be cultivated, as far back as 9000 BC. The ease of culture and its hardiness is probably the reasons for its early domestication. Due to its long history of cultivation for human consumption, there are over 700 known varieties. They come in various colours, shapes and sizes.

In general, the pale figs are usually milder in taste and fragrance while the dark ones are usually the sweetest, with stronger taste. An interesting trait of fig is the taste—different varieties can have different tastes. Some varieties can have melon-like fragrance while others are taste like strawberries.

Regardless of the variety, all figs are packed with fibre and natural sugars. These complex sugars are healthier in comparison to processed sugars. So, figs can be sugar substitutes in cooking in soups, stews or even curries for that sweet aftertaste.


Now For The Evidence

Figs really are quite remarkable fruits and there is plenty of scientific evidence for their health claims. We go through recent studies and try to corroborate the common health claims associated with figs and fig leaf tea. Studies as recent as 2017 and 2018 reveal that extracts of the common fig leaf may influence carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes and thus help in blood sugar maintenance when tested on rats with diabetes.

A recent clinical trial found that eating figs regularly can alleviate constipation among those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Another study on mice also found that extracts of the fruit had a natural laxative effect but without inducing diarrhoea. At the same time, the extract could improve stomach and bowel movement disorders. The latex of the common fig is also being tested as a potential curative agent against human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer and genital warts. The researchers suggest that latex from the common fig has the potential to be developed into therapies for the treatment, cure and prevention of HPV- related cancers.

Furthermore, early studies on the extracts and components of the common fig leaves were found to suppress the survival, cell cycle and movement of breast cancer cells. The researchers believe Ficus carica leaves may be a good source of medicines for cancer treatment.

However, one must be careful when consuming naturally prepared substances. This is because the active compounds which cause a desired health effect eg, lowering of blood sugar or blood pressure, is not standardized. This means in each portion consumed, you may have more or less of a particular active compound. This is the main problem with naturally prepared products.

As such, while it is fine to take natural products such as fig-leaf tea for their health properties, they may be better used with precaution and at low doses. Should you feel unwell, visit a doctor immediately and always tell the doctor about your natural supplements as these may interfere with medications being prescribed by the doctor.


The Fig Scene In Malaysia

About 3 to 4 years ago, the fig planting fever caught up with Malaysians. As typical of any craze, there was a mad rush to plant and collect these remarkable trees. Prices shot up to a few thousand ringgit per plant for the collector varieties such as coll de dama rimada (CDDR), ponte tresa and bordissot negra rimada (BNR). Cuttings for these fig varieties cost as much as RM800 for a length of eight to 10 inches. For many, there was a sort of get-rich-quick rush to plant and propagate these trees, so to speak.

This led to the setup of many fig farms and an entire industry surrounding fig popped up literally overnight. The tree grows easily in Malaysia and fruits year-round. However, there is a problem associated with fig growing in the country and it is fig leaf rust, which is a fungus growing on the bottom of fig leaves and appears as small bright yellow spots. It causes the leaf to drop prematurely but does not kill the plant. Another problem is the introduction of the Asian long- horned beetle, which probably came with the cuttings imported from overseas. This beetle lays eggs on the branch of woody plants and the larvae burrow into the trees, causing massive damage and potential death.

While the fig craze has tapered off, some commercial farms have established and are now producing figs for local consumption on a regular basis. As mentioned, the tree fruits all year round in the  country  and can potentially generate multiple harvests each year compared to temperate countries. The  best type of setup for fig farming would be one which is fully covered, with automated water and fertilizer drips. With the price of a box of fresh figs going for RM80 or so, the business is still lucrative. As a business minded acquaintance once said: “One acre can fetch a million a year if done properly”—it’s easy to see why anyone would be lured by the lucrative prospects. We will leave that decision to you, as the saying goes ‘the leaf is always greener on the other side of the fence.’

Fig leaf collection for tea production has also grown into a stable industry. Other downline products include jam, drinks, powder, fragrances, candles and cosmetics! Who knew fig is such a versatile plant? HT


Did you know?

There are four types of fig categories.

  1. The common fig does not require pollination for the fruits to form. These are the ones that can be planted in Malaysia.
  2. San Pedro types are figs that have two crops in a season. The first crop or breba does not require pollination but the second crops does.
  3. Smyrna figs bear all- female flowers and require pollination from male flowers of caprifigs in order to bear edible fruits.
  4. Caprifigs produce male flowers and never bear fruit.

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Noodles, Noodles In The Bowl… Which Is The Healthiest Of Them All?

Noodles, Noodles In The Bowl… Which Is The Healthiest Of Them All?

May 8, 2022   Return

Edna Loh

Accredited Practising Dietitian (Aus) Unicare Pharmacy (Petaling Jaya)


Before we begin, Edna Loh points out one should keep in mind that comparisons of nutritional content among different types of noodles – see part 1 in the April issue – are not the only factor that should be taken into consideration. The presence of existing medical conditions can also be a determining factor. For example, someone with food allergy may be better off avoiding noodles that contain a trigger ingredient, while people with type 2 diabetes mellitus should opt for noodles with low glycaemic index.

Having said that, let’s get to some common frequently asked questions!


Edna Loh: This depends on the types of noodles, and the choice depends more on the mouthfeel and taste of the dish.

For example, when it comes to wheat noodles, expert chefs may be more concerned on the twisting, stretching and folding of noodles to create better mouthfeel. In this case, thicker wheat noodles are the better choice as they tend to give a chewier texture when served.

Egg and alkalized noodles, on the other hand, have a firmer texture due to their wheat flour to egg ratios. When it comes to stir-fry or soup dishes, most will prefer thinner noodles as they do not  take too much effort to chew and swallow. Thinner noodles also take a shorter time to blanch and cook, and they allow for a more thorough coating of sauces.

“Interestingly, the length of noodles sometimes has a cultural role. Some cultures, such as Chinese and Korean, believe that it is bad luck to cut long somen noodles!”



Edna Loh: Contrary to some people’s beliefs, this is not necessarily true.

While white-coloured noodles may look cleaner to some people, whether they are hygienic depends on the manufacturer’s quality control when it comes to food production hygiene and safety. The majority of the reported food poisoning cases are caused by inadequate or unhygienic preparation and storing, which promote the growth of microorganisms such as Salmonella. One example occurred recently in October 2018 whereby the laksa produced at a manufacturing facility was contaminated because of improper storage, and the problem was worsened by inadequate reheating of these noodles at various restaurants. The result was an outbreak of 83 food poisoning cases!

As for the health benefit of white noodles, this depends on the ingredients used to manufacture the noodles.

Most commercial ‘white’ noodles are made with refined white flour or bleached flour; this means the noodles contain mostly refined carbohydrates, sodium and preservatives. As a result, the nutritional content of the noodles will be low.

On the other hand, coloured noodles may be made using natural colouring from vegetables such as spinach. These noodles will contain small amounts of added nutrients aside from carbohydrates. In the case of spinach noodles, these noodles will contain small amounts of dietary fibre, B-vitamins (spinach is rich in folate, thiamin and niacin) and small amounts of iron.

Therefore, it is not accurate to judge a noodle solely by its colour. What goes into the noodles as well as whether they are manufactured, stored and cooked properly are the factors that we should be taking into consideration instead.


Edna Loh: Both rice and noodles are important sources of carbohydrates. Table A below shows a brief comparison of nutrients between 100 g of rice and noodles.

Table A
White Rice (100 g) Wheat Noodles (100 g)
  • 140 kcal
  • 2.8 g protein
  • 0.4 g dietary fibre
  • 31.1 g carbohydrates
  • 5 mg sodium
  • 95 kcal
  • 3.1 g protein
  • 1 g dietary fibre
  • 19 g carbohydrates
  • 200 mg sodium


As we can see, nutritionally 100 g of wheat noodles seem to trump 100 g of rice.

However, many of us overlook the fact that the actual portions that are served in eateries are not standardized. On average, there are roughly 300 g of noodles in a soup bowl compared to 200 g of rice in a rice bowl. So, if person A eats a bowl of noodles while person B eats a plate of rice, both will very likely be consuming similar amounts of energy and carbohydrates, but person A may end up consuming a significantly higher amount of sodium as well!

In summary, just the nature of rice versus noodles alone is not enough to determine which one is the healthier choice. We need to consider the portion sizes of each dish. We shouldn’t overlook the presence of pre-existing medical conditions too – someone with high blood pressure may want to avoid noodle dishes that are high in sodium content, for example. We can discuss with a dietitian to better understand how much rice and noodles we should eat to avoid overconsumption.



Edna Loh: Similar to the previous question, the answer lies in portion control – the key in determining whether a meal is ‘healthy’ leans more towards the portion size rather than the nature of the dish.

Having said that, some noodles such as spaghetti can have their GI lowered when cooked al dente (firm to the bite) rather than too soft.


Edna Loh: There is a misconception that all fresh noodles are more superior in nutritional value compared to commercially produced noodles.

Take pasta for example: fresh pasta uses whole eggs to make (whole eggs are higher in cholesterol) and contains higher amounts of sodium. If the individual is watching out for his or her blood pressure and cholesterol levels, then dried pasta is likely the better option.

Having said that, the reality is that the mushrooming numbers of highly processed instant noodles sold in hypermarkets and grocery stores may have detrimental effects on one’s health.These instant noodles contain preservatives, additives, monosodium glutamate (MSG) and artificial colouring to extend their shelf life. In 2014, Korean researchers surveyed 10,711 adults and found that a dietary pattern rich in fast foods such as instant noodles poses greater cardiometabolic risk and increases the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. While more research is needed to find the link between instant noodles alone and cardiometabolic risk factors, it is always a good idea to limit one’s consumption of instant noodles.



Edna Loh: There is always room to be creative when it comes to noodles!

  • Use fresh foods instead of processed foods to reduce total fat content of the dish. Common processed extras in noodle dishes such as commercially sold fish balls and meatballs tend be high in fat and sodium and may contain trans fats. Instead of these ingredients, let’s go for fresh chicken or fish slices, eggs, or minced lean meat for some good quality protein. These fresh extras can also help to increase the feeling of satiety!
  • For stir-fried noodle dishes, stir fry using a non-stick pan so that less oil is needed. Additionally, use oils and fats containing unsaturated fats (canola or olive oil, for example) as they are a good source of omega-6 fatty acids.
  • Select whole-wheat noodles instead of refined grain noodles. The former contains more dietary fibre.
  • Feeling hungry? Instead of adding another helping of noodles, bulk up the dish with vegetables. This is especially relevant for people with diabetes, as it will help to improve the feeling of satiety while reducing the carbohydrate load. Green leafy vegetables are great choices for both soup-based and stir-fried noodles, but for variety, one can also go for cauliflower florets, celery, carrots, onions, broccoli, turnip and zucchini.
  • Use fresh herbs and chopped chili for condiments rather than sambal sauces for lower calorie intake. Sambal sauces are commonly made with cooking/ chili oil, palm sugar and fish sauce. Two tablespoons of sambal contain 1 teaspoon of sugar and according to myfitnesspal, this takes 14 minutes of physical activity to burn!


Edna Loh: To date, many reports have commented that the contamination of noodles or noodle dishes is not considered a food safety issue in Malaysia.

As for other parts of the world, we have mixed opinions. For example, in Australia and Europe pasta dishes are placed on the list of foods at potential risk of contamination. Bacteria can multiply very easily in these foods, and contaminated dishes usually still look, smell and taste normal. HT

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May 8, 2022   Return


During a time of pandemic such as COVID-19, we may see a surge of consumption of supplements in an effort to boost one’s defense against infectious diseases.

Professor Dr Hans Hauner from the Technical University of Munich recently published an article that reviewed the evidence—or lack of, in some cases—supporting the use of certain supplements.

Vitamin D

He points out that there are plausible indications that vitamin D may have positive health-related effects.

However, he notes that these indications are the results of studies conducted on cell cultures and animals. The evidence suggesting that these studies will yield the same beneficial results in humans is, as he puts it, “very weak”.

Some review papers in medical journals suggested that there is an inverse association between vitamin D status and the risk of acute respiratory tract infection and depression. This is to say, the risk for these conditions decreases when one consumes sufficient vitamin D to meet their daily nutritional needs. However, Professor Dr Hans Hauner believes that more high-quality studies are needed to confirm this.

Polyphenols and carotenoids

They are said to strengthen the body’s immune function. However, the current evidence to support this theory is weak; more research is needed on this matter.

A balanced diet is a sensible option

“High-quality controlled human intervention studies in COVID-19 patients are not yet available; therefore, the benefits of supplements for people with a virus infection are questionable,” says Professor Dr Hans Hauner. “Personally, I would not recommend taking these supplements unless there is an actual medical reason.”

He adds that a balanced diet provides a person’s body with a sufficient amount of all the required micronutrients.

Reference: Hauner, H. (2020). Wie ernähre ich mich am besten in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie? : COVID-19 und Ernährungsmedizin [Which diet during the Corona pandemic?]. MMW Fortschr Med.;162(9):57-60. https://doi:10.1007/s15006-020-0480-1