A Brie-lliantly Marvellous SuperHERo

A Brie-lliantly Marvellous SuperHERo

May 8, 2022   Return


Through winning an Oscar just before her 27th birthday, Brie Larson instantly became a household name. The best is yet to come; Brie is excited to bring female empowerment to the silver screen and that’s exactly what she’ll be doing when Captain Marvel – Marvel Studio’s first standalone female superhero movie – hits our cinemas.

The world watched as Brie Larson accepted her Academy Award for best actress in 2016. It was her first nomination and her first win. Many of us (who are less acquainted with the world of indie films) had not heard of Room (2015), the movie she had won the prestigious award for. Though it wasn’t a giant summer blockbuster, Brie’s portrayal of “Ma” in Room put her on the map and paved the way to the start of an amazing career in Hollywood.

As with many things in life, the road to anything good is never easy. Brie’s captivatingly convincing portrayal of a kidnap victim living in dire circumstances comes from a place of first-hand experience. No, she was never kidnapped. But the inspiration to take on this role was drawn from a childhood spent living with a single mother, in a tiny studio apartment.



Though it is not revealed in her dainty, elegant stature, Brie comes from a background far from growing up with the silver spoon. Brie, currently 29, was born Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers to parents Heather and Sylvain Desaulniers, two chiropractors who were living in Sacramento, California. At the tender age of seven, her parents went through a difficult divorce – an event which would take her father out of the picture for years. When Room was released, she hadn’t seen or spoken to him in a decade.

Brie found support and solace in her closeness to her mother. As soon as Brie knew she wanted to pursue acting, her mother packed their bags, with Larson’s little sister Milaine in tow, and moved to Los Angeles to pursue the big dream. She says in an interview with Elle magazine, “My mom always felt like she was a creative person and her parents wouldn’t allow her to have that kind of life. So when I got interested in acting, she was like, ‘Okay, let’s make this happen.’”.

The trio did not have a very glamorous start, to say the least. “We had a crappy one-room apartment where the bed came out of the wall and we each had three articles of clothing,” Brie recalls in an interview with The Guardian. As the years went by, the struggle with finances continued as Brie had a tendency to opt for roles in independent movies (those that didn’t pay much) – a move heavily influenced by her artistic drive. “I have no problem talking about how hard it’s been, how broke I’ve been and how broke I was not even that long ago … I thought, ‘This is it. I’ve really screwed myself because I did three independent films. I didn’t do anything for money and  now I don’t have anything.’ I was eBaying stuff for Christmas presents,” Larson revealed in the interview. Little did she know, her choices would pay-off big time.




Brie’s rise to fame started when she was only seven years old. She began appearing in live talk shows, television sitcoms and commercials. Also having an interest in music, she tried her hand in the music industry by releasing an album titled Finally Out of P.E. in 2005. Her music career was short-lived and never really took off, but it was a good experience nonetheless. As the years progressed, Brie co-starred in more well-known movies such as Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010), 21 Jump Street (2012), Don Jon (2013) and The Spectacular Now (2013). Larson’s big break finally came when she performed her first starring role in the independent drama film Short Term 12 in 2013. Her performance was critically acclaimed and proved a stepping stone to more leading roles ahead.

Brie’s next starring role in Room (2015), earned her several of the most prestigious awards in Hollywood: she won best actress in the Academy Awards, the Golden Globes and the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA). Room is a film based on the novel of the same name. It talks about a woman named Joy or ‘Ma’, who was kidnapped and held captive for seven years. During her years being held hostage, she bore a son, Jack, and they both lived in a shed they call Room. The film takes audiences through the escape and the eventual assimilation back into normal society after being locked up for so long, all this is being told through the perspective of Jack. She partially attributes her outstanding performance to her tough childhood, her strained relationship with her father and being raised by a single mother. On her rocky past, she tells Elle magazine, “I don’t have anger; I have gratitude. It took me a really long time to feel that … I wouldn’t have been able to play Ma and make Room if I didn’t have my experience.”



A mere few years after her Oscar breakthrough, Larson landed one of the most coveted female roles in the current movie biz – playing Captain Marvel. The movie is highly anticipated, mostly because it is the first female superhero standalone film from Marvel Studios. Getting the role would also likely mean sequels and being integrated in the well- established Marvel cinematic universe, a sure-fire way to fame and fortune. But all that was not enough to convince Brie to take the part. More than just making blockbuster movies, Brie wanted something bigger out of Captain Marvel – she wanted it to be part of the movement that’s pushing feminism and overall girl-power one step forward. A matter that is close to her heart, Brie is a supporter of the Time’s Up organization, a cause powered by women, advocating for safe, fair and dignified work for women.

On accepting the role, Brie tells Vanity Fair, “I had to sit with myself, think about my life and what I want out of it. Ultimately, I couldn’t deny the fact that this movie is everything I care about, everything that’s progressive and important and meaningful … I really, really feel like it’s worth it if it can bring understanding and confidence to young women.” It’s a tall order from a movie, but Brie worked hard and gave it her all for this one. It was reported that at one point, she was working out for four and a half hours every day, building up her physique and training for stunts. The cherry on top of this cake is that Captain Marvel premiered on International Women’s Day.


The message Larson hopes to bring across is plain and simple: she wants to encourage young women around the world to support each other, and to prove that women can be strong too. Last year, she wrote an inspiring post on her Instagram to commemorate International Women’s Day. She says: “Here’s to women. Whatever your race, religion, sexual orientation, bank account amount, or documentation – I will spend the rest of my life working to raise you up.” We look forward to seeing how this young woman continues to paint the town red. For now, she’s off to a pretty good start. HT

References: 1. Elle. Brie Larson’s World Is About to Change. Just Don’t Tell Her That. Retrieved from: https:// www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a33820/brie-larson-full- elle-cover-story/. 2. The Guardian. Brie Larson interview: ‘I just wanted to do weird stuff’. Retrieved from: https://www. theguardian.com/film/2013/oct/20/brie-larson-short-term- 12-interview. 3. Wikipedia. Brie Larson. Retrieved from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brie_Larson. 4. Vanity Fair. Cover Story: Brie Larson, Hollywood’s Most Independent Young Star. Retrieved from: https://www.vanityfair.com/

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The Mark of an Avenger

The Mark of an Avenger

May 8, 2022   Return


Mark Ruffalo may be the incredible Hulk on screen. But in real life, he proves himself just as remarkable with the many obstacles he overcame. In the past, he has battled with depression, ADHD and suffered a brain tumour which left him deaf in one ear. Despite all that, he still hulks through and continues to find success as an established actor.

Just like Bruce Banner aka the incredible Hulk, Mark Ruffalo is a multi-faceted character, wearing many hats in his personal and professional life. On Twitter, he describes himself as a husband, father, actor, director and climate change activist. That’s not all, due to his experience growing up with learning disability, he is also an advocate for dyslexia and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) awareness.


A Diamond in the Ruff(alo)

Mark Alan Ruffalo, was born on November 22nd, 1967 to parents Marie Rose and Frank Lawrence Ruffalo Jr. He grew up attending a Catholic school but struggled with academics due to undiagnosed dyslexia, ADHD and depression. On growing up, “I would say to my younger self that there’s help and there are ways to deal with it and to manage it— to overcome it.” he shares with the Child Mind Institute: “(I was) feeling strange and unique and freakish—feeling I didn’t fit in anywhere. I would say to my younger self that there’s help and there are ways to deal with it and to manage it—to overcome it.”

According to Mark, the best way to deal with the disability is to embrace it. He says in an interview with Vanity Fair, “All three of my kids are dyslexic and two of them have ADHD … but where they’re going to school now, and the way we’re dealing with it, is to be upfront about it, accepting, and without shame. And those kids are prospering in that environment.”

Playing the Romantic Lead

Mark’s successful career in acting didn’t materialize overnight. He shares that he has gone through around 600 failed auditions when he was in his twenties, and (in true Hollywood fashion) he turned to bartending and serving drinks part-time to make ends meet—he even recalls almost giving up four or five times. After a string of small roles, his big break came when he scored a role in the Academy Award-nominated film, You can Count on Me (2000). Speaking about getting that breakthrough role and what it has done for his career, he says in an interview with The Guardian: “It’s blown the doors off. It’s put me on the map … You can be the best actor in the world but unless something like this happens, you’re not going to get the jobs.”

Following that, bigger roles came in his way in the most unexpected form—romantic movies. Prior to getting his Hulk role, one of Ruffalo’s best known film was playing Matty in 13 going on 30, alongside Jennifer Garner. He also starred as the romantic lead in Just Like Heaven and Rumour Has It.

The Power of a Dream

Extraordinarily, in 2001—just a few weeks before the birth of his son—it was first revealed to Mark Ruffalo in a dream, that he had a brain tumour. Believe it or not, prior to the dream he had not experienced any symptoms. He says in an interview with the Acoustic Neuroma Association, “I had a dream that I had brain tumour, and it was like no other dream that I ever had.” Mark went to the doctor on the set of the movie he had been filming. He told her, “I had a very scary dream last night and you’ll probably think I’m crazy, I think I have a brain tumour and I’d really like to get it checked out.”

According to Mark, the doctor was sympathetic and responded, “you are crazy, but you shouldn’t have to live with that fear; I’ll order you an MRI or a CAT scan tomorrow”. With the help of a neurologist, they found that Mark had a mass behind his left ear, the size of a golf ball. Through further inspection, they also found that he had already lost seven percent of his hearing.

Making a Re“mark”able Recovery

Mark was diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma, also known as a vestibular schwannoma. This means he had a brain tumour, which is a benign (noncancerous) growth in the brain. In his case, the tumour was pressing on his facial nerve, and his doctor recommended for him to undergo surgery to get the tumour removed as soon as possible. Mark was also told that there was an 80% chance he would lose his hearing, and a 20% chance he would lose his facial nerve, which would result in paralysis on one side of his face. Four weeks after his diagnosis and one week after the birth of his son, Mark went for the surgery to have his tumour removed.

The surgery went well. But although the tumour was successfully removed completely, Mark had lost his hearing in his left ear, and one side of his face was paralyzed for 10 months. Thankfully, after keeping physically active and opting to go for acupuncture, he regained the ability to move his face and eventually was able to get back into acting. When asked about the lessons he learnt through this journey, Mark says, “overcoming adversity is a great thing for a man or a woman. Understanding my strengths and weaknesses— my ability to persevere, have all fed into my confidence and my willingness to be more fearless … more empathetic. After that, I just become more grateful for what I had.”


Doing his part to save the environment

Being a celebrity, Mark is one of the most well-known climate change advocates out there. The catalyst for his passion was derived from a childhood spent near a polluted lake, where he would sometimes see deformed fish, garbage and medical waste on the shores. He also grew up near a coal-fired power plant and would see soot collecting on trees. Fast forward to today, the actor is often seen joining rallies and appearing on talk shows to discuss environmental issues. He posts on social media, often advocating for awareness of climate change and the need of cleaner, greener energy sources.

At home, one of the things Mark and his family do to help the environment is instituting meatless Mondays (it is said that raising livestock generates greenhouse gases). Mark and his kids also take the subway or ride the bike to commute to work or school. Amongst other things, the Ruffalo family choose to use more energy efficient LED lights, make their own compost for their garden and incorporate the use of solar and geothermal energy in their home.


Avengers and Beyond

Fortunately, Mark never gave up on his dream despite all that has happened in his life, because the best was yet to come. In 2012, Ruffalo won the role of a lifetime portraying the Hulk in The Avengers. He reprised his role as the big green giant in Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and most recently, Avengers: Endgame. Although the possibility of future Avengers movies after Avengers: Endgame is unclear, we’re sure that with Mark’s tenacity as a human being and talent as an actor, we will be seeing bigger and greater things from him in his career, even if it’s not in the form of the Hulk. HT

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Red Flags In Relationships

Red Flags In Relationships

May 8, 2022   Return


Fairy tales have always given us the illusion of perfection in relationships but as much as those happily-ever-afters made us smile, no relationship, in reality, is perfect and achieving a happy ending is not as easy as a script. Every relationship requires respect, understanding, compromising, and yes that crazy thing called love. Whether you know your partner for a week, a year or a decade, red flags may present itself at any time in a relationship. Seeing them sooner is definitely better than later, especially in mellowing the severity of heartbreak if it comes to an end, but when do we say enough is enough, or ‘this is not the package I signed up for’ and claim a rebate on that ticket to a possible “I do”?

According to Professor Srini Pillay of Harvard Medical School, perfection is a state of mind and what may seem acceptable for one may not be for another. Similarly also in relationships, what is disturbing to one might not be for another. However, there are several traits that should generally ring the alarm. Here are a few distressing ones that should push you to seriously consider questioning – how far do you want the relationship to go or how long before you call it quits?

“While a little insecurity and jealousy from your partner can sometimes make you feel “wanted”, too much of it can become toxic.”


No one likes a liar, white lies or otherwise. If your partner finds it difficult to be honest with you, you are most likely going to always be in doubt and suspicious about what is being told to you. If you have discovered truth and your partner blatantly denies it, then you need to ask yourself further – what is your role in this relationship? What does your partner regard you as? According to Dr Abigail Brenner, an American psychiatrist, a person who doesn’t hold his or her words accountable, lacks integrity and lacks respect for their  partner. If someone truly loves and cares, respecting you should come as second nature and not lying to you is the greatest form of respect. Lying can lace many other bad attributes such as cheating and stealing. It is a destructive nature if not nipped early.


While a little insecurity and jealousy from your partner can sometimes make you feel “wanted” and encourage you to feel important in someone else’s life, too much of it can become toxic and can shackle you down from actually doing the things you want to do, because you end up constantly having to guess if it’s going to be alright with your partner. For instance, you get a promotion and you tell your partner the good news. Instead of being happy for you, your partner starts to make negative remarks and compares progress. This can be a sign your partner is feeling insecure about your achievements and is jealous of you. Some jealousy and insecurity can sprout from the thought that if you start doing better, you would leave them – this can be related to abandonment issues but it’s not an excuse to be made. In the long run, you want to have a partner who knows how to be happy for you and celebrates you for your success. The world has enough critics already, the one you want for the rest of your life doesn’t have to be. 



There is no excuse for explosive temper or temper tantrums. If your partner is unable to control anger for any reason at all, then you should ask yourself, how do you feel around that much anger? Does it make you feel uncomfortable and unsafe? Does it make you embarrassed? Who does your partner lash out on when something turns the mood?

Does your partner lash out on you, or on any random person? Does your partner throw tantrums at his immediate family members? These are signs of a person who is unable to manage anger and such a trait can lead to physical abuse if not managed and corrected.


Every addiction starts by wanting a little more and without control, it spirals. Be it an addiction to drinking, gambling, shopping, eating, gaming, pornography, etc, they all have harmful consequences for those affected and those related. Addiction is an illness and needs professional help if self-restraint does not curb the problem. Losing a partner to addiction is nerve-wracking and can strain a relationship in unimaginable ways as it diminishes the integrity of a person to live and sustain a good life for themselves and those around them.


Narcissism is a trait that is quite distinguishable. While you want a partner who has a good sense of security, one with too much  of love for themselves is not the right formula either. Humility can take a relationship far, while narcissism can drain the non- narcissist in the equation. If both parties are equally narcissistic, it’d probably be a series of lightning and thunder between the two.


Does your partner get upset when corrected? Doesn’t say “SORRY”? Blames others instead of admitting to a fault? Dislikes talking through issues? Looks down on others? Always has an excuse and loves  to trivialize serious offences? If the answers are YES, then you are dealing with the pensiveness of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. According to Sigmund Freud, ego allows a person to maintain their self- esteem. It is simply a defence mechanism to their critical self. However, as much as ego takes care of a person, it can rip apart those who are close to them as it hurts and shreds little by little the dignity and integrity of those in a relationship with them. Unless you want to continue feeding their ego, ask yourself how much are you worth and if you should compromise your dignity to stand by all these red flags for old habits die hard. HT

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A Father’s Voice

A Father’s Voice

May 8, 2022   Return


Michael Bublé is arguably one of the best performers of our time. Through his career, he has touched the hearts of millions by bringing old forgotten tunes back to life, and putting his own modern spin on them. This Father’s Day, we explore Bublé’s other voice, which is that of a father; and we get  to know the heart- wrenching journey he took supporting his young son through cancer.

Jazz swinger and old- tune singer, Michael Bublé is a Grammy Award winning music artist with a career spanning more than 15 years. He possesses a timeless, buttery smooth voice that is so unique, it can only be regarded as a gift meant for stardom. It’s no surprise that Bublé took the express route and found major success since his debut album released in 2003. It was a feat which propelled him into international fame and earned him countless awards from then forward.


Perhaps partially due to his polished and refined vocal stylings, some may find it hard to believe that Michael was the son of a fisherman; he even worked as a commercial fisherman during summer breaks when he was a teenager. He was born in Canada in 1975 to mother, Amber and father, Lewis Bublé (a salmon fisherman). He grew up with two younger sisters, Brandee and Crystal—both of whom he is very close to.

From a very young age, Michael aspired to be a recording artist. He knew his voice was something special and was determined to make it a career for himself. He joined and won various singing competitions in his home country Canada, and in the early 2000’s, he got a deal to work with David Foster (one of the most well-known music producers in the world). Shortly after, his first album titled Michael Bublé was released—it was a phenomenal success, and the rest was history.


Michael grew up listening to jazz music, a genre which was introduced to him by his grandfather. The influence from the close relationship Michael had with his grandfather, translated into a marvellous career for Michael, covering old songs in a way that would appeal to the masses of all ages. He has covered some of the best-known tunes of the golden era of music, such as “The Way You Look Tonight”, “For Once in My Life” and “Save the Last Dance for Me”.

Adding to that, one of the most unique things about Michael’s career is that his Christmas album is among his most successful albums to date. Michael’s rendition of popular Christmas songs seems to be a staple in most shopping malls and homes during the holiday season. Surprisingly though, the singer  says he totally could have foreseen the success of his Christmas album, and he embraces being linked to the holiday.

According to The Graham Norton Show, Michael’s Christmas has been the number one Christmas album since 2011 in Australia. On an interview with the Today show, Australia, Michael comments, “If you’re asking me if I could have somehow envisioned this thing happening, my answer is: absolutely. I knew my love of that holiday and that music was so real and so pure and so authentic, I remember very early on in interviews, they would say ‘so you’ve made a Christmas record’, and I would say, ‘No … I’ve made THE Christmas record.’”


Before meeting his wife, the subject of love had always been a roller-coaster for Michael. In the past, Bublé had been engaged to actress, Debbie Timuss, and he openly shares that their breakup was the inspiration to his original hit songs “Home” and “Lost”. He also famously dated English actress, Emily Blunt for a few years. But it wasn’t until 2009 that his met the love of his life, an Argentine actress and model, Luisana Lopilato.

It was love at first sight for Michael, when he met Luisana while doing a show in Buenos Aires. Although she did not speak much English, Michael made it work by using electronic translation tools during their dates (and perhaps declaring his love for her through song helped too). The song “Haven’t Met You Yet” was written for Luisana, and she also appeared in the music video. They married in 2011 and now have three beautiful children together: Noah, Elias and Vida.


At the end of 2016, Michael revealed on his official Facebook page that his son, Noah (who was three years old at the time) was diagnosed with cancer. He wrote, “We are devastated about the recent cancer diagnosis of our oldest son Noah who is currently undergoing treatment in the US. We have always been very vocal about the importance of family and the love we have for our children. Luisana and I have put our careers on hold in order to devote all our time and attention to helping Noah get well.” Michael took a long break away from his music, and he wasn’t sure if he would ever come back.

Speaking about the heartbreak his family went through with Noah’s liver cancer diagnosis, Michael also tells the Today show, Australia, “This was the worst possible thing that you could hear as a parent, and as maybe a human being. I much rather if it would have been me.” In that period of darkness, the Bublés found solace in the overwhelming support from extended family, friends and fans. Michael’s social  media page was filled with well-wishes, positivity and encouragement. He commented, “There were a million times me and my wife were just struggling to survive, and to breathe. More times than people could understand, some days we wished we didn’t wake up. When we did, we felt the love of those people. We knew that they were praying for us, we knew that there was goodness out there. They gave us faith in humanity.”


Flashforward a few years later, Noah is now five and the family says that he is doing well. After a two-year career hiatus, Michael is finally back and ready to entertain, but some things have changed. He has been very vocal about putting family first and focusing his mind and his heart on the things that truly matter. He tells USA Today, “I don’t even think about my career … And I remember that my promoter had told me, he said, ‘Michael, if you do decide to come back, you have to prepare yourself. One of two things is going to happen. Either absence makes the heart grow fonder, or it’s out of sight, out of mind.’” Determined to prioritize his family, Michael did not hesitate in taking that risk. Thankfully, when Michael was ready to return, his fans were right there waiting.

Michael didn’t even know his upcoming world tour sold out in half an hour— he only found out through a congratulatory text from fellow singer, Ed Sheeran. When the news sank in, Michael said, “I cried so hard my wife came home and she thought someone died.” His new album “Love” (symbolized by a heart emoji), goes back to the basics and features some of the best-known love songs in history. As touched as we are by Michael’s story, we are even more encouraged to hear of how his family banded together and overcame such tough times. We wish Michael and his family all the best in their future and anticipate the great music we are going to hear from Michael in the years to come. HT

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Emilia Clarke Conquers Real-life Adversities

Emilia Clarke Conquers Real-life Adversities

May 8, 2022   Return


Her on-screen character, Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones was meant to be a blend of Napoleon, Joan of Arc and Lawrence of Arabia—courageous heroes of the past. But when illness struck actress Emilia Clarke, she had to channel some of that strength and bravery into her real-life situation.

The world’s most watched television series, Game of Thrones comes to a dramatic end after eight spectacular seasons. During its run from 2011 to 2019, it garnered critical acclaim, record-breaking viewership and attracted a fan base which spanned across the globe. One of the main highlights of the show was following titular character (and fan-favourite) Daenerys Targaryen—a young woman of royal bloodline—in her journey from living in exile to claiming the fictional Iron Throne.

Daenerys is described as a strong, confident and courageous woman, and the same could be said of the talented actress who plays her—Emilia Clarke. She revealed that in 2011, just after filming the first season of Game of Thrones, she suffered her first brain aneurysm. With courage and tenacity, she silently made a recovery and continued playing her character right until the series finale. Years later, Clarke is finally ready to tell her survival story and how she made it through such difficult times.


Emilia Isobel Euphemia Rose Clarke was born in London in 1986. Her passion for acting began at a young age, due to the influence of her father who was a sound engineer for musical theatres. He worked on-set of famous musical productions such as “West Side Story” and

“Chicago” in London’s West End, and he occasionally brought young Emilia to work. By the age of three, Emilia decided she wanted to be an actress, after catching glimpses of the glamour and excitement of backstage theatre life. Years later, she completed her education at the Drama Centre London and set sail for her career.


After graduating drama school, Emilia made a promise to herself that for one year, she would only accept roles that truly interested her and her career. It was a difficult year as she was struggling to pay rent. She turned to waitressing in pubs, working part- time at a museum and working at call centres to make ends meet.

Not long later, Emilia’s agent booked her an audition for a new television fantasy series. Little did she know, it was an audition that would change her life. Daenerys’s character was physically described as a bleached-blond, ethereal woman of mystery. While Emilia was short, curvy and dark haired, she had her doubts of getting the part. Emilia shared her awkward audition experience with The Tonight Show saying, “There was a lot of adrenaline, I was very nervous. It was a big deal audition. I did all of the scenes and at the end of it, I was asking them if I could do anything else. And David Benioff (one of the screenwriters) said: ‘You could do a dance.’ So, I did the funky chicken which morphed into the robot.” Emilia’s genuine charm must have paid off because right there and then, she got the part.


Clarke’s life had just seemingly fallen into place—she just finished filming the first season of Game of Thrones where she played an amazing role. But unexpectedly, at age 24, Emilia experienced the first of two aneurysms while exercising with her personal trainer. She tells The New Yorker, “On the morning of February 11, 2011, I was getting dressed in the locker room of a gym, when I started to feel a bad headache coming on. I was so fatigued that I could barely put on my sneakers.” Emilia pushed through and carried on her workout despite the pain, but midway through exercise, she recalled, “I immediately felt as though an elastic band were squeezing my brain.” The pain got worse and the actress collapsed shortly after. She was taken to the hospital via ambulance.

After diagnosis through MRI brain scan, the doctors told her she had a subarachnoid haemorrhage, an uncommon type of stroke caused by bleeding on the surface of the brain. In Emilia’s case, the stroke was caused by a ruptured aneurysm.


A brain aneurysm is a bulge or ballooning in a blood vessel in the brain. When this happens, the walls of the blood vessel are stretched out and weakened. Most brain aneurysms do not rupture or cause symptoms. However, in rare cases, aneurysms can grow, leak or rupture, causing bleeding in the brain (haemorrhagic stroke) that quickly becomes a life- threatening condition.


The reason behind why some people develop brain aneurysms remains unknown. However, aneurysms are more common in people over 40. Certain risk factors can contribute to weakness of the arterial walls and increase the risk of developing a brain aneurysm. These include: genetics, birth defects, sex (aneurysms are more common in women), smoking, high blood pressure, drug abuse and heavy alcohol consumption.


Emilia underwent her first surgery to treat the aneurysm and had recovered from it successfully after a month of staying in the hospital. However, her doctors discovered that she had another smaller aneurysm on the other side of her brain. At the time, they decided to monitor the aneurysm through regular brain scans. Unfortunately, 2 years later, the aneurysm had doubled in size and had to be operated on. Emilia went through two more surgeries to treat that second aneurysm.

Clarke shares that the recovery process for her second surgery was far more painful and more difficult than the first. She tells The New Yorker, “I looked as though I had been through a war more gruesome than any that Daenerys experienced.” Thankfully, years later Emilia recovered fully from her condition and shares, “In the years since my second surgery I have healed beyond my most unreasonable hopes. I am now at a hundred per cent.”

Grateful for her life and inspired by her own arduous health journey, Emilia spends a lot of her time and effort working on the charity she founded:  SameYou, an organization which aims to improve access to mental and physical rehabilitation after brain injury or stroke in the UK. She is also now an ambassador for the Royal College of Nursing and Nursing Now, a global campaign to improve health by raising the profile and status of nursing worldwide.

As for acting, although Game of Thrones has ended, we look forward to the many more entertaining roles that will be played by the young, strong and beautiful—Emilia Clarke. We wish her good health, and a wonderful career ahead. HT

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Should medicine prices in Malaysia be regulated?

Should medicine prices in Malaysia be regulated?

May 8, 2022   Return

The Ministry of Health is collecting our opinion on the implementation of price control on medications in Malaysia.

If you are interested in having your views heard, please visit this link no later than 12 August 2019.

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A Whole New Aladdin Arrives in Asia

A Whole New Aladdin Arrives in Asia

May 8, 2022   Return

Words Hannah May-Lee Wong

Aladdin the hit musical makes its way to Singapore, the only stop in Asia. I know, I know … the location isn’t the most convenient for us Malaysians. But if you just happen to be passing by or are there on a holiday with the kids, this could be the perfect pass time to add to your itinerary. 

A real treat for Aladdin fans, the show features a staggering 337 sparkling costumes (not kidding, we were also told around 500,000 Swarovski crystals were used), a super-fit cast of 34 members, an elaborate set that took more than 30 shipping containers (sailed to Singapore to recreate that Disney magic) … and lots of jazz hands— it’s basically Aladdin reinvented for the glitz and glam of Broadway.


 (Wedding Kiss) Graeme Isaako as Aladdin with Shubshri Kandiah as Jasmine – James Green


(Rooftop) Graeme Isaako as Aladdin with Shubshri Kandiah as Jasmine – James Green

Even if you’ve seen the 1992 Academy Award-winning animated film and this year’s reimagined feature film directed by Guy Ritchie, you wouldn’t want to miss this one as it has so much more to offer. First off, we notice that there is no Abu (Aladdin’s pet monkey and confidante). Instead, Aladdin is accompanied by three best friends, all of whom sing and dance rather well. You can expect to enjoy the five original songs from the films, and a couple of additional songs written specifically for this musical. One song that really stood out was Proud of Your Boy, a heartfelt ballad Aladdin dedicated to his late mother—in my humble opinion, it was the song that showcased Graeme Isaako’s voice the best.


(Friend Like Me) Graeme Isaako as Aladdin with Gareth Jacobs as Genie – Deen Van Meer

Then comes the biggest star of the show: the whacky, flamboyant, wish-granting Genie. Played by Gareth Jacobs, the character brought on the snappiest jokes, the catchiest tunes and the most impressive dance numbers the show has to offer. Midway through the show, the audience were awed by the iconic magical carpet ride, where Aladdin and the gorgeous princess Jasmine (played by Shubshri Kandiah) realistically flew around the stage with no strings attached. We don’t know how they did it, but it’s probably a mix of technology, brilliantly executed illusions and a sprinkle of Disney magic.


Aladdin -Jeff Busby

Overall, Aladdin the musical is a fun, extravagant and extremely entertaining musical escapade to be enjoyed by young and old. If you’re interested in making the journey to Agrabah and embarking on that magic carpet ride, the show will play at Sands Theatre, Singapore, from 21 July to 1 September 2019. Ticket prices start from S$68, available for purchase at premier.ticketcharge.com.my.

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Datuk Wira Lee Chong Wei, An Inspiration & A Force To Behold

Datuk Wira Lee Chong Wei, An Inspiration & A Force To Behold

May 8, 2022   Return


The legendary shuttler needs no introduction. His recent retirement from professional badminton left friends and foes shattered and the badminton scene will never be the same.

For the past decade, the sport of badminton was represented by the rivalry of two giants—our very own Datuk Wira Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan, of China. Their on-court matches were the stuff of legends and any tournaments with the possibility of them clashing would draw in the crowds. In honour of one of the greatest sportspersons in recent history, let’s look back at his illustrious career and revisit some of his trials and tribulations.



Born in Bagan Serai in 1982, Chong Wei’s parents—Lee Ah Chai and Khor Kim Choi— were struggling to make a living. As was seen in the biopic Lee Chong Wei: Rise of the Legend, he was almost given away but his mother was steadfast in her decision to keep him regardless of the hardship she had to endure. Chong Wei attributes his endurance and persistence to his mother. In the early days of his childhood, Chong Wei dabbled in basketball, but his parents didn’t want him to play outdoors under the scorching sun. Back then and even now, most courts are open air. Instead, they brought him to play badminton, in a hall and away from the sun, under the tutelage of a local coach. Badminton proved to be the right choice as he took to it like duck to water. It wasn’t long before he started winning competitions in school and against older, bigger opponents.

His talent and knack for the sport didn’t go unnoticed and at age 17, he was discovered by Malaysian coaches at the time, Misbun Sidek and Morten Frost, and duly drafted into the national squad. In his autobiography, Chong Wei recalls working extremely hard during his early days when he was training at the national badminton camp. In order to match up to his older teammates, Chong Wei spent twice as much time to practice. Even blisters didn’t stop him from practicing as he knew “the blisters would turn into callouses.”

In 2003, Chong Wei’s star began to ascend. In his first major tournament, the Malaysia Open, he lost in the finals to China’s Chen Hong. The next year, the title was his. He proceeded to win the title for 11 more times for a total of 12. Those wins were punctuated at 2007, 2015 and 2017. Perhaps, the most momentous match in the career of both Chong Wei and Lin Dan came during the finals of the 2006 Malaysia Open tournament. Chong Wei and Lin Dan were playing the rubber match and our champion was trailing 13-20 in the final game. Lin Dan would have won the title with 1 more point. However, Chong Wei never gave up and fought tooth and nail to claw his way back to victory. It was a historic moment for badminton in Malaysia and in Chong Wei’s career. The stadium erupted in cheer and applause as everyone chanted his name.


In 2015, Chong Wei was embroiled in a doping scandal. It was determined that the steroid, dexamethasone, found in his urine during a typical anti-doping test came from supplements provided to him by a dignitary who was never named. At a hearing before a panel of three Badminton World Federation judges, Chong Wei was found negligent, but the doping wasn’t with intent to cheat. He was given a backdated 8-month ban and allowed to compete in short order. He quickly rose through the ranks to qualify yet again for the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics. However, Chong Wei had to settle for second best once again in spite of beating his arch rival Lin Dan in the semifinals. The Rio games silver medal marked his third silver medal at the Olympics, with the first two collected in 2008 in Beijing and 2012 in London. In the first two instances, Lin Dan stood between him and the gold medal.

The year 2012 proved to be a big year for Chong Wei as it was also the year he wedded his long- time girlfriend and teammate Wong Mew Choo. The wedding was one of the events of the year for Malaysians as both were considered as sports royalty. Chong Wei and Mew Choo now have two boys Kingston and Terrance, and the nation is waiting to see if their parents’ sporting genes do pass on to them.

“Perhaps, the most momentous match in the career of both Chong Wei and Lin Dan came during the finals of the 2006 Malaysia Open tournament.”



In mid 2018, Chong Wei took a sudden hiatus from the international badminton scene. It was as though he disappeared from the face of the earth. His absence in the courts and training sessions were immediately felt, as Chong Wei had a reputation for being a hard worker and would rarely miss training. It wasn’t long before a social media post from a person linked to the sports ministry began to spread like wildfire. By September 2018, the Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) had no choice but to come clean about Chong Wei’s cancer diagnosis. The shuttler had nasopharyngeal carcinoma or NPC. News of his cancer diagnosis came as a shock to the nation. Chong Wei was very secretive about his cancer diagnosis as he didn’t want the ensuing publicity storm to negatively impact his family and those around him.

The first signs something was wrong came after his unprecedented 12th win in the Malaysian Open 2018 tournament. Immediately after the win, Chong Wei set off to Indonesia as part of the circuit, which the tournament’s top players had to participate. He said he was feeling weak, which was something he was not used to. He lost to the Indian player H.S. Prannoy in Round 16 of the tournament and promptly came home to get himself checked out. In spite of feeling unwell, Chong Wei continued with his training schedule. News of his diagnosis was first conveyed to Mew Choo and she broke down upon hearing the news. Coincidentally, Chong Wei had just returned home from training and saw his wife crying. When she relayed the news to him, the news proved too much of a shock and he broke down in tears as well.

Not one to delay or go into denial, Chong Wei  decided on the next course of action, which was to undergo contemporary cancer treatment in Taiwan. It wasn’t the lack of faith in the local medical fraternity which caused him to seek treatment elsewhere but rather the need for privacy which led to the decision. He contemplated various places where NPC was common—Japan and South Korea but decided against those countries for fear of communication problems. His decisiveness paid off and the treatment went without a glitch. By early October 2018, he had completed his cancer treatment. Chong Wei had initially planned to return to competitive play as soon as he received the all-clear from his physician. The nation waited and waited. However, the word never came. Instead, Chong Wei announced his retirement from competitive sports in a press conference. He was sullen and the disappointment at being unable to try again for his Olympic gold dream proved too much to bear; he finally teared up as he bid farewell to the world of badminton.

His contribution to the game hasn’t ended, as Chong Wei has promised to return to BAM in order to spar with the upcoming shuttlers. Whatever happens, we wish him the best and thank him from the bottom of our hearts! HT

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Make Way For These aMMAzing Athletes!

Make Way For These aMMAzing Athletes!

May 8, 2022   Return


To give our readers a little background, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a full-contact combat sport using a mix of martial arts techniques such as karate, Muay Thai, jiu-jitsu, taekwondo, etc. This month, HealthToday goes behind the fight scenes to talk to acclaimed MMA athletes: Agilan “The Alligator” Thani, Ann “Athena” Osman and Ev “The Extraterrestrial” Ting.



Known as “The Alligator” in the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) wrestling ring, the cheeky and perhaps unassuming 23-year-old Agilan Thani is right on track to becoming one of Malaysia’s most prominent athletes.

Among the proudest achievements under Agilan’s belt include: winning six consecutive bouts on the global stage of ONE Championship (Asia’s largest sports media which broadcasts the competitive MMA sport) and bagging the Malaysian Invasion title. Showing no signs of slowing down, his latest victory was when he defeated legendary Japanese-South Korean MMA artist Yoshihiro Akiyama (aka Sexyama) in Shanghai, China, back in June; it was a feat, which earned him a 10-3 win-loss record on the MMA score board.


Life wasn’t always a winning streak for Agilan. Growing up in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur, he was raised by his single father, a man Agilan describes as a loving parent and his greatest inspiration. Due to circumstances, the father-son duo had to share a one-bedroom apartment with two other uncles and an aunt. To make matters worse, young Agilan struggled with being overweight and getting bullied for it. Despite these tough beginnings, it wasn’t long before his life took a turn for the better.

Agilan recalls, “I was 140 kg when I was 16 and I got bullied a lot. So, I watched a movie by Donnie Yen called S.P.L., which showcased a lot of jiu-jitsu. I did my research, joined a class for jiu-jitsu … the gym that I joined also had kick-boxing and MMA so that’s how I got started.”

Even though resources were scarce in the early days, Agilan’s supportive father paid for his first few lessons. With a growing interest in the sport, the athlete decided to work as a cleaner in the Monarchy MMA gym to pay his own way. He continued to work and train at the gym for two and a half years. “Slowly, I started learning fights, and then they gave me a job as an instructor. After teaching for a while, I became a full-time athlete,” Agilan shares.


One of Agilan’s first and perhaps greatest opponent, was obesity— it was a health condition he struggled with for a long time.To compete professionally, he had to shed the excess weight that was holding him down.“The weight loss was a slow process. From age 16 to 17, I only lost 10 kg, and this was only with training, without diet. The next year, I had to go through an intensive diet to lose weight.If I were to compete, I couldn’t compete as a heavyweight because of my height. The foreigners in the heavyweight category are much bigger and taller than I am. In that year, I lost 40 kg.” Agilan now competes in the welterweight category. Since then, Agilan’s career as an athlete only went upwards. He was undefeated as an amateur and won the Malaysian national championship before turning professional. When asked about his proudest achievement, he lists, “winning the Malaysia Invasion title, winning 10 bouts in ONE championship and taking part in the ONE Championship world title.”


Of course, every success doesn’t come without hard work and dedication. Agilan trains between 3 and 4 hours a day. “We mostly focus on intense training, weight lifting and active recovery.”

The athlete has approximately three on-season training periods a year. “Usually, when I prepare for a bout for the ONE Championship, it takes 8 weeks to prepare. During those times, I’m really busy.” When asked if his career interferes with his family life,he responds, “I don’t have a very big family. There’s only my dad, my girlfriend and my dogs. They’re very understanding with what I do.” He adds that he is still able to spend time with his loved ones when it’s off-season time.


Agilan attributes a lot of his success to the gym he works with. “Where I train, the coaches and nutritionists help a lot. Although most gyms have weight-lifting machines, it’s hard to get padded mats, padded walls, punching bags, experienced coaches, and grapplers who help me train.”

One of the other things that Agilan feels has helped him the most in competition, is overcoming his fears. “When stepping into the ring, I do feel scared. I think it’s human nature to be afraid of everything, but when I go into the ring, I push myself to go through it.” Each match in Kuala Lumpur easily attracts 15,000 people in the audience. Regarding stage fright, Agilan says that it’s not a concern, as when it comes to the competition, one must be most focused on the opponent.

In closing, Agilan leaves us with some advice for those who are interested in taking up MMA: “Find yourself a good gym, see what you’re interested in and learnstep by step. You can start with striking or grappling, but it’s best you find a good coach that can teach you the fundamentals.”He adds that MMA can be taken up for fitness or as a hobby, and is suitable for a wide age group of people, “There’s no age limit … it’s good for keeping in shape, it’s fun, you make friends, and it’s better than going to the gym, putting on headphones and lifting weights all by yourself.” 




It’s no secret that Ann Osman is one tough cookie. In the MMA’s fighting ring, Ann is known as “Athena”, goddess of wisdom, handicraft and war. A legend in her own right, Ann prides herself as the first female Malaysian to sign with ONE Championship. But on the other spectrum, whenwe met Ann, she was radiating with the glow of pregnancy. We
could tell she was already excited for motherhood.

Given Ann’s career and accolades, we couldn’t help but ask her if she was still training. Without hesitation she declares, “I am! … you know there’s this whole culture where pregnant women think that once you’re pregnant you’re supposed to just rest, but I don’t see [pregnancy] as being handicapped. I have had clearance from my doctor, did some research and I find it’s more encouraged for pregnant women to stay active.”

She revealed that in her first trimester, she was actively doing boxing and jiu-jitsu. “In fact, I didn’t know I was pregnant until the second month. Right up till then, I was still helping my friend train for competition by doing sparring with her.”

 She continues, “As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I took precautions … I adjusted by speaking to my coaches and asking them how I could train safe. Now in my second trimester I focus a lot on maintaining my strength, because I think it’s very important to stay strong for the baby—not only in the labour room but after giving birth. If I lose my fitness, I’ll have to go back to square one which wouldn’t benefit me or my baby.”


Ann began training for the competitive sport in 2012 and was subsequently signed on to ONE Championship the following year. “I never had any martial arts background and I only got into it when I was in my mid-twenties. It was pretty late, but better late than never!”

“When I got into MMA, it wasn’t as popular as it is today. There weren’t a lot of women training, but it was something I really enjoyed.” She explains,“Initially, I just wanted to learn self-defence and build my fitness. I was already working out in a gym; my coach was teaching Muay Thai to a bunch of guys. One day, I took the courage to step into that (Muay Thai class) even though there weren’t any other girls there.”

Incidentally, Ann’s coach was one of the early few who was already practicing MMA. With a passion to grow the sport, Ann trained with the encouragement of her coach until she made her prodebut in 2013. She states that one of her most memorable fights was when she got her first win in Abu Dhabi. “It was against a two-time world boxing champion, Ana Julaton who was celebrated in the Philippines and America. For me to get my first win as a rookie against a world champ was a huge celebration for me.”


These days, Ann focuses more on her role as an athlete relations and talent recruitment manager for ONE Championship. She also co-owns with her husband, a travel business based in her hometown, Kota Kinabalu. Although her last fight was back in 2017,Ann keeps a foot in the door by continuing her workouts and training.

On her workout routine, Ann says “Pre-pregnancy, I would train twice a day: strength conditioning in the morning and in the evenings, I would go to the gym to do drills and learn new techniques which are more skill focused.”

As for working out during pregnancy, Ann elaborates, “Now, I only do one session a day in the gym. I would do cardio workouts like indoor cycling, boxing or strength training workouts [such as super sets, compound movements, modified burpees, modified mountain climbers and core workouts]. I alternate between upper, lower and full body workouts, but I try to cap it at 1 hour a day—being pregnant, I tend to get tired or out of breath.”


In closing, we asked Ann if she could give advice to other women out there who might be interested in taking up MMA or joining the ONE Championship. She responds, “The first thing [you must have] is a strong reason to why you want to stick to this. From there, you’ve got to find a network of support: get to a good gym, find a good coach because these people are the ones who are going to push you when you feel like you want to throw in the towel … MMA seems like a solo sport, as you go into the fight cage alone to face your opponent. But what most people don’t see is behind that one person, is a huge team of people who supports him or her.”




My apologies in advance to Ev Ting should he ever read this, but I was informed before the interview that he might be a little shy. Imagine my pleasant surprise, therefore, when the pro lightweight MMA star turned out to be a well-spoken, confident and even gregarious man with a sly wit about him.

When asked about his moniker ‘The Extraterrestrial,’ he pointed out that it came about because the acronym of his name is ‘ET.’ “It’s also a reflection of the fact that I was an alien growing up in Auckland,” he reflects.


Ev Ting was born in Malaysia, but his family moved to Auckland, New Zealand, when he was just a boy. As a boy of Chinese ethnicity, he was immediately the odd one out among other children his age.

“I was always doing twice as much to prove myself,” he said. This need to put himself beyond the limits imposed on him, saw him taking to sports like a fish to water. He recalled that he was good at football in school, but he soon found martial arts more to his liking, as it allowed him to test his mettle against different opponents.

He began training at a local gym in 2009. After making successful waves in the Auckland amateur circuit, he made his professional debut in 2011 as a cage fighter. When MMA Auckland finally noticed him, he had nowhere to go but up.


Contrary to some people’s belief that MMA is a violent sport, Ev Ting asserted that, like every other form of competitive sport, MMA is built on a camaraderie of fair play and sportsmanship.

In fact, he credited MMA for shaping him to be the man he is today. As a kid driven to always prove himself, he found martial arts to be a positive outlet for his energy. Training helps him to focus, develop a healthy work ethic and build up discipline.

Furthermore, when he was younger, he had to juggle his training with three jobs and his education—this taught him the true meaning of commitment, passion and sacrifice. In the process, his confidence grew by leaps and bounds with each adversity he managed to overcome on his MMA journey.

Ultimately, he would like his story to be an inspiration, especially to people who feel that they are different from everyone else. He too was an outsider growing up in Auckland, and his Kiwi upbringing marks him as an outsider as well when he is in Malaysia for tournaments.

Ev Ting never lets being ‘different’ get to him. In fact, he believes that it’s good to be a little different from everyone else, and we should never let our differences get in the way of pursuing our own dreams.

“I want to share the message to humans on planet Earth that there is always room for everyone to eat, have a harmonious life, grow, and prosper!” he says with a laugh. HT

  1. He is inspired by the animal kingdom when he’s in the ring. He watches documentaries on predators and draws his techniques from the way successful predators stalk and ambush their prey.
  2. Ev Ting had been the underdog in many fights. The one fight he holds closest to his heart is when he was up against Iranian professional wrestler Kamal Shalorus in One Championship: Throne of Tigers back in 2017. Ev Ting was lighter and of smaller stature than Shalorus. Many told him that he should withdraw, but the Extraterrestrial never backed down from a challenge. He proceeded to stun the audience by emerging victorious. Go to https://youtu.be/dkmQSA6Yv5Q to watch the fight on YouTube.
  3. Ev Ting would like to be in MMA for as long as possible, but he has also invested some funds in various start-up companies. While he’s not in the same league as legendary entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs (yet), he is hoping to parlay his investments into something that he can fall back on in life after MMA. HT

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Magnificent Jolie

Magnificent Jolie

May 8, 2022   Return


Oscar-winning actress, humanitarian and mother of six—Angelina Jolie is back on the big screen as Maleficent this October. Read on as she graces HealthToday’s cover this Breast Cancer Awareness month.


Growing up, Angelina Jolie wasn’t your average girl. Born in Los Angeles to legendary actor Jon Voight and late actress Marcheline Bertrand, Angelina was a child among the stars. With her poise, charisma, and natural good looks, it’s no surprise Angelina chose to continue running the “family business” in acting. Though she came from a prominent family, she struggled with mental health issues and a strained relationship with her father when she was growing up. Despite a troubled childhood, it didn’t stop her from rising to the top, becoming one of the world’s most influential and highest paid actresses.

At a young age, Angelina’s parents separated. This left Jolie and her brother under the care of their mother. The actress had a very close relationship with her mother, Marcheline who died at the age of 56, after almost 8 years battling with breast and ovarian cancers. Angelina’s mother’s death affected her greatly, and the actress still wells up when talking about her mother during interviews. Angelina describes her mother as her best friend, an amazing woman, and the best mother she could have had. She says during an interview on 60 Minutes, “I will never be as good a mother as she was … I will try my best, but I don’t think I could ever be. She was grace incarnate, the most generous, loving—she’s better than me.”

Unfortunately, Angelina’s mother wasn’t the only one in the family to die young. She reveals in an interview with Esquire, “There is no longevity on my mother’s side of the family. My grandmother also died young, so my mother always thought it could happen to her. But she lived to see her grandchildren, lived to see both me and my brother in a nice place. She was a real mother that way. She waited till everyone was okay. Then she closed her eyes.” Angelina’s grandmother died of ovarian cancer and her aunt (Marcheline’s younger sister) had breast cancer.1


In February 2013, Jolie shocked the world when she announced her decision to undergo a preventive double mastectomy (breast removal surgery) to decrease her risk of developing breast cancer. She chose not to keep her story private, in hopes for more awareness on breast cancer prevention worldwide. She wrote an op-ed in the New York Times stating,“the decision to have a mastectomy was not easy. But it is one I am very happy that I made. My chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from 87 percent to under 5 percent. I can tell my children that they don’t need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer.”

Angelina revealed in the New York Times, “the truth is I carry a ‘faulty’ gene, BRCA1, which sharply increases my risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.” She continued, “Once I knew that this was my reality, I decided to be proactive and to minimize the risk as much I could. I made a decision to have Angelina revealed in the New York Times, “the truth is I carry a ‘faulty’ gene, BRCA1, which sharply increases my risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.” She continued, “Once I knew that this was my reality, I decided to be proactive and to minimize the risk as much I could. I made a decision to have  a preventive double mastectomy. I started with the breasts, as my risk of breast cancer is higher than my risk of ovarian cancer, and the surgery is more complex.” Jolie went through 3 months of medical procedures and recovered successfully. More importantly, she hopes to empower all women to be aware and conscious of their health, “I want to encourage every woman, especially if you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, to seek out the information and medical experts who can help you through this aspect of your life, and to make your own informed choices.”2



A relationship once dubbed as “Brangelina”, Angelina Jolie was married to high-profile actor Brad Pitt. They met on the set of the hit movie, Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005) and embarked on a whirlwind romance from then onwards. They officially split up in 2016, but during their marriage, they shared six children, of which three are adopted and three are biological.

Angelina adopted her first child, Maddox before getting together with Brad Pitt. Maddox was a Cambodian orphan, adopted by Jolie in 2001, when he was just 7 months old. On her choice to adopt from Cambodia, she told People magazine, “Somebody told me that if you’re going to adopt an orphan, you should adopt from a country you love, because that’s the only history you’re going to share with them.” Angelina’s love for Cambodia first sparked when she was there filming the movie, Tomb Raider.


Describing her first meeting with Maddox, Angelina says, “I went into an orphanage and decided I’d not go for the cutest child but just go to the one that connected to me.” Upon meeting Maddox, she recalls, “He was asleep, and he woke up and smiled … As soon as I saw him smile, I felt like this kid wasn’t uncomfortable with me. He seemed okay in my arms.” After that love at first sight experience between the mother and son duo, Angelina brought Maddox home upon completing 4 months of paperwork.3 Fast forward to today, Maddox is almost 18 years old. With his mother’s blessing, he has flown the nest, choosing to study biochemistry in South Korea. He was sent off by none other than his proud mum who will miss him dearly.

Jolie’s older child, Zahara was adopted from Ethiopia and her youngest adopted child, Pax was taken in from an orphanage in Vietnam. Brad and Angelina have three biological children: Shiloh and twins, Knox and Vivienne.


Angelina has a big heart for humanitarian work—a cause she held dear even before she got married and became a mother. Jolie was named a UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) Goodwill Ambassador in early 2001, and she has visited more than 20 countries around the world. Her mission was to bring attention to the plight of millions of uprooted, displaced people; to advocate for their protection, and to call for international assistance.

Angelina’s passion for humanitarian work was first ignited when she went to Cambodia to film Tomb Raider, and she continues to advocate for human rights to this day. During a visit to Sudan and Chad in early 2007, the dire situation Jolie witnessed impacted her so much that she and her partner at the time, Brad Pitt decided to donate US$1 million towards helping millions of people affected by the crisis. In 2006, Angelina and Brad Pitt formed the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which has made donations worldwide. The brave actress has also visited Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq to raise support for UNHCR and its partners. Jolie has since won various awards including the Citizen of the World Award (by the United Nations Correspondents Association), and the Global Humanitarian Action Award (by the United Nations Association) for her work with refugees.4


Having lived an extraordinary life, Jolie shows no signs of slowing down—she has plans to take her career to even greater heights. Angelina will reprise her role as Maleficent in Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil, which hits cinemas this month. She will also be making her debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as she is set to play superhero, Thena in The Eternals which will show late next year. All we can say is: the world can’t wait to watch the feisty veteran actress, Angelina Jolie back in action again! HT

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